
Materialities of Care : Encountering Health and Illness Through Artefacts and Architecture.

Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autor principal: Buse, Christina
Otros Autores: Martin, Daryl, Nettleton, Sarah
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: Newark : John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, 2018.
Colección:Sociology of Health and Illness Monographs.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Intro; Materialities of Care; Contents; Notes on contributors; 1 Conceptualising 'materialities of care': making visible mundane material culture in health and social care contexts; Introduction; Defining 'materialities of care'; Spatialities of care; Temporalities of care; Practices of care; Methods for studying 'materialities of care'; Conclusion; Acknowledgements; References; 2 Materialities of mundane care and the art of holding one's own; Mundane material; Researching mundane materialities; Sharing materialities; Sharing spaces; Shared routines; Contingent spaces and materialities.
  • Storying placesThe things that pass between people; Dogs, sheep and hidden helping; Avoiding the big ask: cooking and shopping by the by; Holding back; Concluding thoughts: assembling mundane care; Acknowledgements; Notes; References; 3 Thinking with care infrastructures: people, devices and the home in home blood pressure monitoring; Materialities of home health: attending to technology and place; Care infrastructures, work and the home; The case of home blood pressure monitoring; Methods; Findings; Procuring and providing devices; Emplacement and staging devices in and out of use.
  • Systems of objects and interlinking practicesTaking a reading: a relational achievement; Discussion; Acknowledgements; Note; References; 4 The art and nature of health: a study of therapeutic practice in museums; Introduction; On living well in museums; Background on case selection and methods; Conditions for therapeutic experience; Materials for therapeutic practice; Art therapists: better for the making; Horticultural therapists and the creation of sensory asylums; Concluding discussion; Acknowledgments; Note; References.
  • 5 Exchanging implements: the micro-materialities of multidisciplinary work in the operating theatreIntroduction; Field work, video and its presentation; Trajectories of exchange: tasks and interaction; Handling the material; Embodied instruction and the calibration of exchange; Practice, interaction and agency; Acknowledgements; References; 6 Placing care: embodying architecture in hospital clinics for immigrant and refugee patients; Sociologies of place; Specificities of place; Methodology; Waiting rooms; Exam rooms; Discussion; Acknowledgements; References.
  • 7 Private finance initiative hospital architecture: towards a political economy of the Royal Liverpool University HospitalIntroduction; Hospital architecture and material cultures of care; Hospital architecture as PFI matter; The Royal Liverpool University Hospital as an architectural controversy; Conclusion; Acknowledgements; Note; References; 8 Dressing disrupted: negotiating care through the materiality of dress in the context of dementia; Introduction; Care, clothing and material culture; Methodology; Dressing the body in dementia care; Choosing clothes, negotiating identities.