
Classification of Algebraic Varieties.

Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autor principal: Ciliberto, Ciro
Otros Autores: Livorni, E. Laura, Sommese, Andrew J.
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: Providence : American Mathematical Society, 1994.
Colección:Contemporary Mathematics Ser.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Intro; Contents; Introduction; List of Participants; List of Seminars; On curves in C(2) generating proper abelian subvarieties of J(C); Lefschetz type results for proper intersections; Some effects of the spectral values on reductions; Surfaces in P4 and deficiency modules; The class C is not stable by small deformations. II; Surfaces with K2 = x = 2 and special nets of quadrics in 3-space; Non-isomorphic curves of genus four with isomorphic (non-polarized) jacobians; Deformations of symmetric products of curves; Q-acyclic surfaces and their deformations; On a question of J. Kollár.
  • Boundedness for some special families of embedded manifoldsGeneralized Euler sequence and toric varieties; A generalized Teissier-Plucker formula; Log surfaces of general type; some conjectures; On triple covers of Pn as very ample divisors; Component numbers for torsion sections of semistable elliptic surfaces; Braid group techniques in complex geometry III: Projective degeneration of v3; Braid group techniques in complex geometry IV: Braid monodromy of the branch curve S3 of V3 â#x86;#x92; CP2 and application to Ï#x80;1 (CP2 â#x80;#x93; S3, *); On the irregularity of cyclic coverings of the projective plane.
  • Counting rational points on cubic surfacesMiyaoka-Yau inequality for normal surfaces and local analogues; Minimal models of Calabi-Yau threefolds.