
Docker for Serverless Applications : Containerize and orchestrate functions using OpenFaas, OpenWhisk, and Fn.

Serverless applications are gaining traction as they free the developer from worrying about server-side aspects. This book will help you to utilize Docker as portable infrastructures for Serverless Applications.

Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autor principal: Kaewkasi, Chanwit
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: Birmingham : Packt Publishing, 2018.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Cover; Title Page; Copyright and Credits; Packt Upsell; Contributors; Table of Contents; Preface; Chapter 1: Serverless and Docker; What is serverless?; The relationship between serverless and FaaS; The disadvantages of serverless FaaS; Docker to the rescue; Common architecture of a serverless FaaS; System layers; FaaS layers; Serverless/FaaS use cases; Hello world, the FaaS/Docker way; Hello OpenFaas; Hello OpenWhisk; Say hello to the Fn project; Exercise; Summary; Chapter 2: Docker and Swarm Clusters; What is a container?; What is Docker?; Installing Docker; Building a container image.
  • Shipping an imageRunning a container; Docker Swarm clusters; Setting up a cluster; Masters and workers; Services and tasks; Docker and serverless; Exercises; Summary; Chapter 3: Serverless Frameworks; AWS Lambda; Limitations; Lambda termination; Container reuse; Native executables; Azure Functions; Scaling; Limitations; Durable functions; Google Cloud Functions; Overview; Execution model; Statelessness; Timeout; Execution guarantees; IBM Cloud Functions; The Serverless Framework; Exercise; Summary; Chapter 4: OpenFaaS on Docker; What is OpenFaaS?; Architecture; OpenFaaS components.
  • Function watchdogCommand-line interface; API gateway; Installing OpenFaaS; Preparing a function; Packing a C program; Defining and invoking a function with the UI; Using the OpenFaaS CLI; Defining a new function; Building and pushing; Deploying and invoking; Templates; The OpenFaaS dashboard; Exercises; Summary; Chapter 5: The Fn Project; The Fn Project; Fn's architecture; Using Fn CLI; Let's deploy a local function; Trying again with Golang; Examining call logs and errors; Deploying Fn on Docker Swarm; Monitoring with Fn UI; Viewing call logs with MyAdmin; Exercise; Summary.
  • Chapter 6: OpenWhisk on DockerWhat is OpenWhisk?; Installing OpenWhisk; Using the wsk client; Components and architecture; Architecture; Components; API gateway; Controller; Database; Kafka; Invoker; Action runtime; Function preparation; OpenWhisk Docker SDK; Preparing a Go function; Invoking functions; Invocation flows; Action invoke; Obtaining activation results; User interface; Exercises; Summary; Chapter 7: Operating FaaS Clusters; Stabilizing the configuration; Choosing the right network plugin; New ingress and routing; Tracing component; Retry and circuit breaker; Retry; Circuit breaker.
  • Preparing a production clusterCost savings with Spot instances; Using EC2 Spot instances; Let's start; Workers on Spot instances; Working with the network plugin; Creating a network; Creating an operational control plane; Service balancer operator; Logging; Scripting Docker with Golang; Preparing the tool; Making Go scriptable; Simple Docker script; Script reacting to Docker events; Exercises; Summary; Chapter 8: Putting Them All Together; A mobile payment scenario; A Parse platform as a backend; Preparation; Defining a transfer entity; WebHook; Preparing a WebHook in Fn.