Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Cover; Half Title; Title Page; Copyright Page; Table of Contents; List of Figures; List of Tables; Preface; Acknowledgements; Dedication; 1 Economic Development: Concept and Measurement; 1.1 The Concept of Economic Development; 1.2 Measurement of Economic Growth; 1.3 The Distribution of Income and Poverty; 1.4 International Income Comparisons; 1.5 The Income Gap and Convergence; 1.6 Composite Development Indicators; Case Study 1: The Human Development Index: Kenya, Mexico and Canada; Case Study 2: International Income Comparisons; Case Study 3: Deflation of National Accounts.
  • 2 Economic Growth and its Determinants2.1 Production Function Models; 2.2 The Nature of Technical Change; 2.3 Empirical Evidence and Policy Conclusions; 2.4 Macroeconomic Growth Models; 2.5 Neoclassical Growth and the Stylized Facts of Economic Growth; 2.6 Endogenous Growth; 2.7 Convergence Once Again; Case Study 4: International Convergence of Income Levels; Case Study 5: Sources of Growth in Kenya's Manufacturing Sector; 3 Financing Economic Growth from Domestic Sources; 3.1 Policies to Accelerate Economic Growth; 3.2 Increasing Savings; 3.3 Fiscal Policy and Tax Reform.
  • 3.4 Financial Intermediation and Policy Reform3.5 Inflation and Monetary Policy; Case Study 6: Tax Reform in Indonesia; Case Study 7: Financial Repression and Liberalization in Chile; 4 Financing Economic Growth from External Sources; 4.1 The Dual Role of Foreign Saving and the Two-gap Model; 4.2 Empirical Evidence and Testing of the Two-gap Model; 4.3 Official Development Assistance (ODA); 4.4 Foreign Investment; 4.5 Foreign Borrowing and the Debt Problem; Case Study 8: The Brazilian Debt Crisis; Case Study 9: Constraints to Economic Growth in Kenya: The Two-Gap Model.
  • 5 International Trade and Development5.1 Comparative Advantage and the Gains from Trade; 5.2 Arguments in Favour of Trade Restrictions; 5.3 Inward-oriented Trade Regimes; 5.4 Trade Liberalization and Outward Orientation; 5.5 Analysis of Trade Policy Reforms; 5.6 International Trade Agreements; Case Study 10: Trade Policy Reform in Senegal: 1986-1990; Case Study 11: Changing Sources of Growth in the Mexican Manufacturing Sector; 6 External Balance and the Exchange Rate; 6.1 Review of the External Account; 6.2 Exchange Rate Regimes and Policies; 6.3 Policies for External Balance.
  • 6.4 The Real Exchange Rate as a Tool of Analysis6.5 Currency Devaluation and its Consequences; 6.6 The Dutch Disease Syndrome; Case Study 12: Protection, Sector Bias and the Exchange Rate in Mexico's Trade Policy Reform; 7 Regional Economic Integration and Monetary Union; 7.1 The Stages of Regional Integration; 7.2 Regionalism vs. Multilateralism; 7.3 The Theory of Customs Unions; 7.4 Regional Integration and Intra-Industry Trade; 7.5 Monetary Union and Economic Integration; 7.6 Regional Integration Attempts in less Developed Countries.