
Paraverbal Communication in Psychotherapy : Beyond the Words.

Paraverbal Communication in Psychotherapy: Beyond the Words offers an innovative investigation into the nonverbal communication between client and therapist. By reviewing engaging case studies from their own practices, the authors step through how therapists and clinicians can capture non-verbal sig...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autor principal: Donovan, James M.
Otros Autores: Osborn, Kristin A. R., Rice, Susan
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: Blue Ridge Summit : Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2016.
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Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Cover; Half Title; Title Page; Copyright Page; Dedication; Table of Contents; Preface; Chapter One The History of Dynamic Psychotherapy Its Paraverbal World; The New Therapist and the Videotape; Dynamic Psychotherapy: 2015-The Relational Stance; Methods of Therapeutic Intervention: Some Historical Perspective-The Last 45 Years; Level 1:; Evolution Number 1: Object Relations Interventions; Evolution Number 2-Relational Therapy; The birth of relational therapy; Now we need a videotape ... we've arrived at the center of our subject; Current Dynamic Therapy; Now whither the field?
  • A Third Evolutionary Step?: The Missing Paraverbal DataParaverbal Data in Psychotherapy-Two Sectors of Probable Clinical Discovery; A. The Mother-Infant Communication Studies; What did Stern, Beebe, and Tronick discover?; B. The Psychotherapy of the Nonpsychotic, Character-Disordered Client; Historical Perspective; Enactments-in capital E and lower case e:; Lowercase "e" Enactments; The Three Introductory Cases; Research strategy; The anatomy of evolutions; Chapter Two Brief Psychotherapy A Model of Relationship Exchange, a Venn Diagram, a Research Review and Two Unconscious Wor.
  • Brief PsychotherapyA model of relationship; Overview of the Diagram; Why add these other sectors?; Region A-Verbal Exchange; Introduction to Region B; Region B, the mother-baby psychotherapy analogue; The mother-infant relationship mirrors adult psychotherapy?; Psychotherapy: The centrality of self and mutual regulation; Region B continued-The mother-infant studies; Predicting suicidality; Region B continued-An alternative psychotherapy model; The paraverbal psychotherapy model-Beebe and Lachmann; Now moments: (Stern et al.'s contribution); The core of the book.
  • Region B concluded-Unconscious World I and Unconscious World II: Two Unconscious WorldsUnconscious World I; Unconscious World II; Additional Unconscious Worlds; Region C: Transference/.counter-transference exchange; Region C: A brief introduction to transference issues; Region C continued; Terms; Further definition of terms; Unconscious World II as reflected in the transference/.countertransference interaction; Implications of Tansey and Burke's work for our research; Region D-The real object relationship: Control Mastery Theory; Vignette #1-The Stationary Manufacturer.
  • Region E-The Mind and the brain: Their relationship to Attachment TheoryAttachment theory and the brain; The right and the left side of the brain; The Three Evolutionary Steps Up to the Present; The Map of the Book; Chapter Three Our Research The Strategy and the Instruments; Which tapes to study?; Can We Measure Paraverbal Interaction?; The ATOS; Reliability of the ATOS; Validity of the ATOS; The paraverbal ATOS dimension; ATOS/Therapist; A change in plans; The Accessibility Scale and the Congruence Scale; Previous research; Evidence of paraverbal communication.