Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Cover; Table of Contents; Abbreviations; Acknowledgments; 1 Introduction; 1.1 Introduction: The Concept of Climate Change Governance; 1.2 The Issue: Why Is It Necessary to Govern Emissions from International Civil Aviation; 1.3 The Contribution of This Book; 1.4 Outline of Book; 2 Climate Change, Global Warming, and Aviation; 2.1 Introduction; 2.2 Climate Change and Global Warming; 2.3 The Contribution of Aviation to Climate Change and Global Warming; 2.4 The Effects of Climate Change and Global Warming on Aviation; 2.5 Conclusion.
  • 3 Existing and Envisaged Measures to Govern Emissions from Aviation That Contribute to Climate Change and Global Warming3.1 Introduction; 3.2 Global Measures to Govern Emissions Contributing to Climate Change and Global Warming; 3.2.1 Existing and Envisaged Global Measures to Mitigate Climate Change and Global Warming: General; Global Climate Change Regime; United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change; Kyoto Protocol; Paris Agreement; Ozone Depletion Regime; Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer.
  • Montreal Protocol3.2.1.3 Transboundary Air Pollution Regime; Conclusion; 3.2.2 Existing and Envisaged Global Measures to Mitigate Climate Change and Global Warming: Aviation; Chicago Convention of 1944; Annex 16 to the Chicago Convention; Other ICAO Initiatives; Conclusion; 3.3 Existing and Envisaged Unilateral Measures to Govern Emissions from International Civil Aviation; 3.3.1 The European Union Emissions Trading System; 3.3.2 Local Taxes on Emissions; 3.3.3 Airport Emissions Charges; 3.4 Conclusion.
  • 4 Effectiveness of the Existing and Envisaged Global Measures to Lessen Aviation's Contribution to Climate Change and Global Warming4.1 Introduction; 4.2 The Existing and Envisaged Legal Measures; 4.2.1 Global Climate Change Regime: UNFCCC and Kyoto Protocol; 4.2.2 Global Legal Measures in the Field of Aviation: Chicago Convention and International Civil Aviation Organization; 4.3 Market-Based Measures in International Civil Aviation; 4.3.1 The Current State of Market-Based Measures in Aviation; 4.3.2 The Necessity of a Global Market-Based Measure for International Civil Aviation.
  • 4.3.3 The Impact of a Global Market-Based Measure for International Civil Aviation4.3.4 The 38th Session of the ICAO Assembly and Market-Based Measures: Developed vs Developing States; 4.3.5 Reconciling the Differences between Developed and Developing States; Representation; Common But Differentiated Responsibilities; Special Circumstances and Respective Capabilities; De minimis Threshold; Conclusion; 4.3.6 A Prospective Global Market-Based Measure for International Civil Aviation; Potential Benefits; Necessary Elements.