Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Cover page; Halftitle page; Epigraph; Title page; Copyright page; Dedication; CONTENTS; ILLUSTRATIONS; PREFACE; FOREWORD; ACKNOWLEDGMENTS; INTRODUCTION; Dress, material culture, and Caribbean historiography; Terminology and organization; 1 PRE-HISTORY TO EARLY SLAVE TRADE: "PEOPLE OF THE FOREST"; Bark-cloth, a global phenomenon; African bark-cloth: a rich heritage; Bark-cloth: ceremonial and secular purposes; Threads of our ancestors; The new arrivants and social setting; Jamaican Sunday markets and plantation dress; The origin of Jamaican lace-bark
  • 2 PLANTATION JAMAICA: "CONTROLLING THE SILVER"Natural history and Jamaican lace- bark; The history of handmade lace; The Jamaican bark- cloth industry; Lace-bark: the tree of life; Situation in Haiti, Cuba, and the question of women's labor; 3 VICTORIAN JAMAICA:" FANCY FANS AND DOILIES"; Post-Emancipation dress in Victorian Jamaica; Jamaicanization of Victorian dress; Lace-bark and the tourist industry; Lace-bark and the Jamaican woman's education; CONCLUSION; Lace-bark today: a tree in crisis; Lace-bark: the imminent threat; APPENDIX; GLOSSARY; NOTES; SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY AND FURTHER READING