
Organs without Bodies : Deleuze and Consequences.

Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autor principal: Zizek, Slavoj
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: Florence : Taylor and Francis, 2016.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Cover; Half Title; Title Page; Copyright Page; Dedication; Table of Contents; Introduction: An Encounter, Not a Dialogue; Deleuze; The Reality of the Virtual; Becoming versus History; "Becoming-Machine"; Un jour, peut-être, le siècle sera empiriomoniste?; Quasi-Cause; Is It Possible Not to Love Spinoza?; Kant, Hegel; Hegel 1 : Taking Deleuze from Behind; Hegel 2: From Epistemology to Ontology ... and Back; Hegel 3: The Minimal Difference; The Torsion of Meaning; A Comic Hegelian Interlude: Dumb and Dumber; The Becoming-Oedipal of Deleuze; Phallus; Fantasy; RIS; Consequences.
  • 1 Science: Cognitivism with Freud"Autopoiesis"; Memes, Memes Everywhere; Against Hyphen-Ethics; Cognitive Closure?; "Little Jolts of Enjoyment"; 2 Art: The Talking Heads; Kino-Eye; Hitchcock as Anti-Plato; The Cut of the Gaze; When the Fantasy Falls Apart; "I, the Truth, Am Speaking"; Beyond Morality; 3 Politics: A Plea for Cultural Revolution; A Yuppie Reading Deleuze; Micro-Fascisms; Netocracy?; Blows against the Empire; On the Permanent Actuality for Revolutionary Cultural Politics of President Mao Ze Dong's Slogan "Long Live the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution"; Index.