
A history of preaching. Volume 1 /

Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autor principal: Edwards, O. C. (Otis Carl), 1928- (Autor)
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: Nashville, TN : Abingdon Press, [2004]
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Cover; Half title; Title; Copyright; Dedication; Contents; Preface; List of Abbreviations; Part I: Homiletical Origins; Chapter 1: The Earliest Christian Preaching; Preaching in the New Testament; Synagogue Sermons; Greco-Roman Rhetoric; The Oldest Known Christian Sermon; Melito's Paschal Homily; For Further Reading; Notes; Chapter 2: The Homily Takes Shape; The Pattern of Classical Education; Interpreting the Word in Alexandria; Origen the Original; The Preacher; For Further Reading; Notes; Chapter 3: Eloquence in Cappadocia; Christianity Becomes Respectable.
  • The Challenge of Size to the EmpireRoman Unity, Christianity, and Arianism; New Patterns of Leadership; The Cappadocian Fathers; Basil the Great; Life and Work; Preaching; Gregory of Nazianzus; Activities and Contributions; Orations; Apologies; Doctrinal Preaching; Encomia; Gregory of Nyssa; Conclusion; For Further Reading; Notes; Chapter 4: Homiletics and Catechetics: Chrysostom and Others; The Golden Mouth; Early Life; Attraction to Asceticism; Ordained Life in Antioch; Episcopate; His Homilies; Biblical Interpretation; Content and Style; The Sermons on the Statues.
  • Preparation for InitiationJohn Chrysostom; Theodore of Mopsuestia; Cyril of Jerusalem; Ambrose of Milan; Conclusion; For Further Reading; Notes; Chapter 5: Augustine: The Sign Reader; The Church Learns Latin; Monica's Son; Augustine the Christian; How to Teach the Faith; Sermon Time in Hippo Regius; The Theory Applied; For Further Reading; Notes; Part II: The Middle Ages; Chapter 6: The Trek to the Middle Ages; Leo the Great (ca. 390-461); Caesarius of Arles (ca. 470-542); Gregory the Great (ca. 540-604); The Venerable Bede (ca. 673-735); For Further Reading; Notes.
  • Chapter 7: The Early Medieval PeriodMissionary Prelude; Homiliaries; The Carolingian Reform; Hrabanus Maurus; Anglo-Saxon Catechetical Preaching; Conclusion; For Further Reading; Notes; Chapter 8: The Renaissance of the Eleventh and Twelfth Centuries; The Period; The Reemergence of Textbooks; Guibert of Nogent; Alan of Lille; Monastic Preaching; The Sanctification of Time; Bernard's Life and Significance; Bernard the Preacher; Bernard's Homiletical Writings; Sentences and Parables; Sermones per Annum; Sermones de Diversis; Sermones super Cantica Canticorum.
  • Sermones in laudibus Virginis MatrisAd Clericos de Conversione; Bernard's Other Sermons; De Psalmo "Qui habitat"; "Your Daughters Shall Prophesy"; For Further Reading; Notes; Chapter 9: The Explosion of Preaching in the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Centuries; The Context; Irregular Preachers; The Coming of the Friars; Preaching by the Friars; Preaching as an Art; Artes praedicandi; Thematic Preaching and Scholasticism; Preaching Aids; Popular Preaching; For Further Reading; Notes; Chapter 10: A Homiletic Miscellany; A Spirituality of Preaching; Spirituality through Preaching; Meister Eckhart.