Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Cover Page; Title Page; Copyright Page; Contents; List of Figures; Acknowledgements; Notes on Contributors; Introduction: Destroying Order, Structuring Disorder: Gender and Emotions; PART I: STRUCTURING EMOTIONS OF WAR AND PEACE; 1 'Now evil deeds arise': Evaluating Courage and Fear in Early English Fight Narratives; 2 Order, Emotion, and Gender in the Crusade Letters of Jacques de Vitry; 3 Married Noblewomen as Diplomats: Affective Diplomacy; 4 Ordering Distant Affections: Fostering Love and Loyalty in the Correspondence of Catherine de Medici to the Spanish Court, 1568-1572.
  • PART II: CHRONICLING FEELINGS OF DISASTER AND RUIN5 Emotions and the Social Order of Time: Constructing History at Louvain's Carthusian House, 1486-1525; 6 A Landscape of Ruins: Decay and Emotion in Late Medieval and Early Modern Antiquarian Narratives; 7 'O, Lord, save us from shame': Narratives of Emotions in Convent Chronicles by Female Authors during the Dutch Revolt, 1566-1635; 8 Recasting Images of Witchcraft in the Later Seventeenth Century: The Witch of Endor as Ritual Magician; PART III: ALIGNING CHILDREN, FAMILIAL, AND RELIGIOUS COMMUNITIES.
  • 9 'That the boys come to school half an hour before the girls': Order, Gender, and Emotion in School, 1300-160010 An Ordered Cloister? Dissenting Passions in Early Modern English Cloisters; 11 'Will we ever meet again?' Children Travelling the World in the Late Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries; 12 Gendered Power and Emotions: The Religious Revival Movement in Herrnhut in 1727; Select Bibliography; Index.