
Dietary Reference Intakes : a Risk Assessment Model for Establishing Upper Intake Levels for Nutrients.

Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autor principal: Staff, Institute of Medicine
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: Washington : National Academies Press, 1999.
Colección:Compass series Dietary reference intakes
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Dietary Reference Intakes: A Risk Assessment Model for Establishing Upper Intake Levels for Nutrients; Copyright; Contents; Dietary Reference Intakes: A Risk Assessment Model for Establishing Upper Intake Levels for Nutrients; INTRODUCTION; WHAT ARE DIETARY REFERENCE INTAKES?; Recommended Dietary Allowance; Process for Setting the RDA; Adequate Intake; Tolerable Upper Intake Level; APPROACH FOR SETTING DIETARY REFERENCE INTAKES, INCLUDING TOLERABLE UPPER INTAKE LEVELS; Terminology; Concept; MODEL FOR THE DERIVATION OF TOLERABLE UPPER INTAKE LEVELS; RISK ASSESSMENT AND FOOD SAFETY.
  • Basic ConceptsSteps in the Risk Assessment Process; Thresholds; APPLICATION OF THE RISK ASSESSMENT MODEL TO NUTRIENTS; Special Problems Associated with Substances Required for Human Nutrition; Consideration of Variability in Sensitivity; Bioavailability; Nutrient-Nutrient Interactions; Other Relevant Factors Affecting Bioavailability of Nutrients; STEPS IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE TOLERABLE UPPER INTAKE LEVEL; Step 1. Hazard Identification; Step 2. Dose-Response Assessment; Data Selection; Identification of NOAEL (or LOAEL) and Critical Endpoint; Uncertainty Assessment.
  • Characterization of the Estimate and Special ConsiderationsDERIVATION OF ULS: SUMMARY OF PROGRESS TO DATE; Derivation of UFs; Derivation of a UL; Derivation of a UL for Other Groups; References; Appendix A Recommended Dietary Intakes for Individuals ; Appendix B Options for Dealing with Uncertainties ; References; Appendix C Reference Heights and Weights for Children and Adults ; Appendix D Case Studies of Application of Risk Assessment Model for Nutrients; A. Calcium; Hazard Identification; Nephrolithiasis; Hypercalcemia and Renal Insufficiency (Milk-Alkali Syndrome).
  • Calcium/Mineral InteractionsDose-Response Assessment; Adults: Ages 19 through 70 Years; Infants: Ages 0 through 12 Months; Toddlers, Children, and Adolescents: Ages 1 through 18 years; Older Adults: Ages> 70 Years; Pregnancy and Lactation; Special Considerations; Exposure Assessment; Risk Characterization; References; B. Folate; Hazard Identification; Adverse Effects; Summary; Dose-Response Assessment; Adults; Folate UL Summary, Adults; Other Life Stage Groups; Special Considerations; Intake Assessment; Risk Characterization; References; C. Riboflavin; Hazard Identification.
  • Dose-Response AssessmentSpecial Considerations; Intake Assessment; Risk Characterization; References; Appendix E Biographical Sketches of Subcommittee on Upper Reference Levels of Nutrients ; FNB Staff.