Tabla de Contenidos:
  • The empire and the nation in the imagination of Russian nationalism / Alexei Miller
  • The Russians and the Turks : imperialism and nationalism in the era of empires / Norman Stone, Sergei Podbolotov and Murat Yasar
  • Imperial instead of national history : positioning modern German history on the map of European empires / Philipp Ther
  • Justifying political power in 19th century Europe : the Habsburg monarchy and beyond / Maciej Janowski
  • Schism once removed : sects, state authority, and meanings of religious toleration in imperial Russia / Paul W. Werth
  • Redefining identities in the late Ottoman Empire : policies of conversion and apostasy / Selim Deringil
  • Empire on Europe's periphery : Russian and western comparisons / Dominic Lieven
  • The Spanish empire and its end : a comparative view in nineteenth and twentieth century Europe / Sebastian Balfour
  • The Russian-American company as a colonial contractor for the Russian empire / Ilya Vinkovetsky
  • The comparative ecology of complex frontiers / Alfred J. Rieber.