Tabla de Contenidos:
  • ""Contents""; ""Preface""; ""Keynote addresses""; ""China: Moving towards the twenty-first century""; ""Rong Yiren""; ""China in the twenty-first century""; ""Helmut Schmidt""; ""I Economy""; ""1 History, politics, and the sources of economic growth: China and the East Asian way of growth""; ""Dwight H. Perkins""; ""Comments""; ""Zou Yilin""; ""Yutaka Hara""; ""2 Chinaâ€?s â€?â€?open doorâ€?â€? and internal development in perspective of the twenty-.rst century""; ""Shigeru Ishikawa""; ""Comments""; ""Wu Jinglian""; ""John Wong""
  • ""3 Chinaâ€?s economic reform: Successes, challenges, and prospects for the twenty-.rst century""""Liu Guoguang""; ""Comments""; ""Ryutaro Komiya""; ""Werner Kamppeter""; ""summary Ryutaro Komiya""; ""II Management""; ""4 On the adjustment of Chinaâ€?s industrial structure: The lateral uni.cation of automobile industries""; ""Chen Qiaosheng""; ""Comments""; ""Fumiaki Fujino""; ""Tetsuo Minato""; ""5 Managerial reform of Chinese state-owned enterprises: A shift to joint stock corporation""; ""Mitsuo Morimoto""; ""Comments""; ""Wu Jiajun""; ""Oleg Vikhanski""; ""summary Yasuo Okamoto""
  • ""III Politics and society""""6 Asia since the Cold War and the new international order: The historical perspective and future prospects""; ""Satoshi Amako""; ""Comments""; ""Chen Qimao""; ""Khien Theeravit""; ""7 Prospects of social development""; ""Lu Xueyi""; ""Comments""; ""FrancÂ?ois Gipouloux""; ""Hiroshi Okuzaki""; ""8 Chinese democracy and constitutional development""; ""Lucian W. Pye""; ""Comments""; ""Jiang Ping""; ""Isao Kaminaga""; ""summary Takeo Uchida""; ""IV Panel discussions""; ""Panel discussions""; ""Contributors""; ""Index""