Tabla de Contenidos:
  • ""€?Raceâ€?, Housing and Social Exclusion""; ""Contents""; ""1. Introduction""; ""2. Theorising Ethnic and â€?Racialâ€? Exclusion in Housing""; ""3. Patterns of Residential Settlement among Black and Minority Ethnic Groups""; ""4. The Housing Needs of Black and Minority Ethnic Groups""; ""5. Widening Locational Choices for Minority Ethnic Groups in the Social Rented Sector""; ""6. Missing the Target? Discrimination and Exclusion in the Allocation of Social Housing""; ""7. Black and Minority Ethnic Housing Associations""; ""8. Black and Minority Ethnic Employment in Housing Organisations""
  • ""9. The Diverse Experiences of Black and Minority Ethnic Women in Relation to Housing and Social Exclusion""""10. Black Youth Homelessness""; ""11. The Housing of Older Black and Asian People""; ""12. Black and Minority Ethnic Participation and Empowerment""; ""13. From Refuge to Exclusion: Housing as an Instrument of Social Exclusion for Refugees and Asylum Seekers in the UK""; ""14. Housing Disadvantage in the Inner City: The Needs and Preferences of Ethnic Minorities in Sub-standard Housing""; ""15. The Housing Experiences of Minority Ethnic Groups in Northern Ireland""
  • ""16. The Housing Experiences of Minority Ethnic Groups in Western European Welfare States""""17. Conclusion""; ""The Contributors""; ""Subject Index""; ""Author Index""