
Contact After Adoption : a Longitudinal Study Of Adopted Young People And Their Adoptive Parents And Birth Relatives.

Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autor principal: Neil, Elsbeth
Otros Autores: Beek, Mary, Ward, Emma
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: London : BAAF, 2013.
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Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Introduction; TIme 1: the preschool years; TIme 2: middle childhood; Time 3: follow-up in late adolescence; The adopted young people: how were they getting on in adolescence; The adoptive families: what contact was taking place with birth relatives?; Adoptive families' experiences of direct contact; Adoptive families' experiences of indirect contact; The satisfaction of young people with their contact arrangements; The adoptive families: adoption communication openness; Young people's perspectives on adoption communication openness.
  • Being adopted: young people's construction of an adoptive identityBirth relatives: well-being and adjustment to the adoption, 16 years on; The birth relatives: contact pathways and experiences; Social networking websites: new challenges for adoptive parents, birth relatives and adopted young people; Summary of findings and practice implications; Publications from earlier stages of the study.