
Causes and Effects of Stratospheric Ozone Reduction : an Update.

Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autor principal: Staff, National Research Council
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: Washington : National Academies Press, 1900.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • ""Causes and Effects of Stratospheric Ozone Reduction: An Update""; ""Copyright""; ""Contents""; ""PREFACE""; ""SUMMARY""; ""Introduction""; ""Chemistry and Physics of Ozone Reduction""; ""Key Findings and Conclusions""; ""Recommendations""; ""Biological Effects of Increased Solar Ultraviolet Radiation""; ""Key Findings and Conclusions""; ""PART I: CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS OF OZONE REDUCTION""; ""Chapter 1â€?Current Status ""; ""INTRODUCTION""; ""PROCESSES DETERMINING OZONE CONCENTRATIONS""; ""Perturbations by Chlorine""; ""Perturbations by Oxides of Nitrogen""
  • ""Perturbations by Other Species""""CURRENT STATUS OF MODELS OF THE STRATOSPHERE""; ""MONITORING AND ASSESSMENT OF TRENDS""; ""THE QUESTION OF EARLY DETECTION""; ""UNCERTAINTY""; ""FINDINGS""; ""RECOMMENDATIONS""; ""PART IIâ€?BIOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF INCREASED SOLAR ULTRAVIOLET RADIATION ""; ""Chapter 2â€?Introduction ""; ""THE PROBLEM""; ""THE UNDERLYING BIOLOGICAL QUESTIONS""; ""Chapter 3â€?Molecular and Cellular Studies ""; ""SUMMARY""; ""INTRODUCTION""; ""Damage to DNA""; ""DNA Repair""; ""ADVANCES IN KNOWLEDGE""; ""Transformation of Cells in Culture""; ""Photoproducts in DNA""
  • ""Action Spectra for Affecting Simple Cellular Systems""""Effects of UV on Photoproducts in Animal and Human Skin""; ""Action Spectra for Immune Responses""; ""Mitigation and Enhancement of UV-B Effects by Light at Other Wavelengths""; ""Sunlight and UV-B in Bacterial Systems""; ""Sunlight or Broad-Band Radiation and Mammalian Cells""; ""RESEARCH RECOMMENDATIONS""; ""Chapter 4â€?Ecosystems and their Components ""; ""SUMMARY""; ""INTRODUCTION""; ""EFFECTS ON PLANTS""; ""Research Difficulties""; ""Advances in Knowledge""; ""EFFECTS ON DOMESTIC ANIMALS""; ""EFFECTS ON AQUATIC ORGANISMS""
  • ""Research Difficulties""""Advances in Knowledge""; ""RESEARCH RECOMMENDATIONS""; ""Chapter 5â€?Direct Human Health Hazards ""; ""SUMMARY""; ""ANATOMICAL AND OPTICAL PROPERTIES OF SKIN AND BLOOD""; ""EFFECTS OTHER THAN CANCER""; ""Acute Responses of Normal Skin to UV: Whole Organ Inflammation""; ""Long-term Effects of UV on Skin: Solar Degeneration""; ""Effects of UV on the Immune System""; ""Effects of UV on the Eye""; ""CANCER EFFECTS""; ""Basal and Squamous Cell Skin Cancers""; ""What was Known by 1979""; ""Advances in Knowledge""; ""Melanomas""; ""What was Known by 1979""
  • ""Advances in Knowledge""""PROTECTION AGAINST DAMAGE FROM SUNLIGHT""; ""RESEARCH RECOMMENDATIONS""; ""REFERENCES""; ""GLOSSARY""; ""A""; ""B""; ""C""; ""D""; ""E""; ""F""; ""H""; ""I""; ""L""; ""M""; ""N""; ""O""; ""P""; ""R""; ""S""; ""T""; ""U""; ""X""; ""LIST OF CHEMICAL SYMBOLS""; ""APPENDIXES""; ""Appendix Aâ€?Perturbations of the Stratosphere and Ozone Depletion ""; ""Historical Background""; ""Natural Perturbations to Atmospheric Ozone""; ""Man's Impact: Assessment and Uncertainty in 1981""; ""Recommendations for Research""; ""References""