Tabla de Contenidos:
  • ""Preventing HIV Transmission""; ""Copyright""; ""Contents""; ""Preface""; ""Acknowledgments""; ""Executive Summary""; ""THE PROBLEM""; ""THE PANEL'S CHARGE""; ""SCIENTIFIC ASSESSMENT OF PROGRAM EFFECTIVENESS""; ""Needle Exchange""; ""Bleach Distribution""; ""COMMUNITY AND LEGAL FACTORS""; ""RECOMMENDED COURSE OF ACTION""; ""NOTE""; ""Introduction""; ""DIMENSIONS OF THE PROBLEM""; ""RESPONSES TO THE EPIDEMIC""; ""THE CHARGE TO THE PANEL""; ""THE PANEL'S REPORT""; ""Information Sources""; ""Approach""; ""Organization""; ""NOTES""; ""REFERENCES""; ""Part 1 Dimensions of the Problem ""
  • ""1 The Epidemiology of HIV and AIDS """"BIOLOGICAL MECHANISMS OF TRANSMISSION""; ""Injection Drug Use Transmission""; ""Direct Needle Sharing""; ""Indirect Needle Sharing""; ""Risk Behaviors and Interventions""; ""Sexual Transmission""; ""Perinatal Transmission""; ""Conclusion""; ""EPIDEMIOLOGIC DATA""; ""HIV and AIDS Surveillance""; ""Mode of Acquisition of Infection""; ""HIV AND AIDS AMONG INJECTION DRUG USERS""; ""Surveillance""; ""Sexual Transmission Among Injection Drug Users""; ""Perinatal Transmission from Injection Drug Users""; ""SUMMARY""; ""Conclusions""; ""Recommendations""
  • ""NOTES""""REFERENCES""; ""2 The Epidemiology of Injection Drug Use ""; ""ESTIMATES OF INJECTION DRUG USERS""; ""Geographic Variations""; ""National Surveys of Drug Abuse""; ""National Household Survey on Drug Abuse""; ""Washington DC Metropolitan Area Drug Study""; ""Surveys of Youth""; ""Conclusion""; ""CHARACTERISTICS OF INJECTION DRUG USERS""; ""A National Profile""; ""Local Drug Use Trends and Patterns""; ""SUMMARY""; ""Recommendation""; ""NOTES""; ""REFERENCES""; ""3 Needle Exchange and Bleach Distribution Programs in the United States ""; ""INTRODUCTION""; ""NEEDLE EXCHANGE PROGRAMS""
  • ""Legal Issues""""Program Operations""; ""Sites""; ""Staffing""; ""Policies""; ""Hours of Operation""; ""On-Site Services Offered""; ""Items Distributed""; ""Characteristics of Program Participants""; ""Cost and Cost-Effectiveness""; ""Organization Characteristics""; ""Three Simple Case Studies""; ""Two Complex Case Studies""; ""Comparisons Across Programs""; ""BLEACH DISTRIBUTION PROGRAMS""; ""Characteristics of Program Participants""; ""Outreach Strategies""; ""CONCLUSIONS""; ""REFERENCES""; ""4 Community Views ""; ""MORAL/ETHICAL ARGUMENTS""; ""PUBLIC OPINION POLLS""
  • ""AFRICAN AMERICAN VIEWS""""LATINO/HISPANIC VIEWS""; ""LAW ENFORCEMENT VIEWS""; ""HEALTH PROFESSIONAL VIEWS""; ""Pharmacists""; ""Treatment Service Providers""; ""Funding""; ""Treatment Efficacy""; ""Federal Regulations""; ""Condoning Drug Use""; ""SUMMARY""; ""CONCLUSIONS""; ""NOTE""; ""REFERENCES""; ""5 The Legal Environment""; ""U.S. DRUG CONTROL POLICY""; ""Legislative/Statutory Environment""; ""State and Local Litigation""; ""DO PARAPHERNALIA AND PRESCRIPTION LAWS CONTRIBUTE TO HIV TRANSMISSION""; ""Needle Scarcity and Sharing""; ""Changes in the Laws in Connecticut""; ""Needle Sales""