Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Glancing back at new directions for student services, 1997-2014 / Elizabeth J. Whitt and John H. Schuh
  • Trends and milestones affecting student affairs practice / Florence A. Hamrick and Krista Klein
  • Characterizations of students and effective student affairs practice / Jillian Kinzie
  • Looking back and ahead: what we must learn from 30 years of student affairs assessment / Becki Elkins
  • Digital age of student affairs / Edmund T. Cabellon and Reynol Junco
  • Contemporary challenges in student affairs budgeting and finance / Ann M. Gansemer-Topf and Peter D. Englin
  • Preparing student affairs educators / Anna M. Ortiz, Ilinca Filimon and Monica Cole-Jackson
  • Peering into the future / Elizabeth J. Whitt and John H. Schuh.