
Telephone Triage Protocols for Nurses.

Performing telephone triage requires the ability to make quick and effective decisions based on limited information. This rapid-access resource delivers over 200 triage protocols for evaluating patients' symptoms over the telephone. Each symptom entry lists questions, grouped by urgency level,...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autor principal: Briggs, Julie K.
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: Philadelphia : Wolters Kluwer Health, 2011.
Edición:4th ed.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Telephone Triage Protocols for Nurses; Contents; Table of Contents by Body System; Introduction: Practicing Telephone Triage Safely; Triage Roles and Responsibilities; Training Guidelines; Using Protocols Safely; Documentation; Medical-Legal Safeguards; PROTOCOLS; Abdominal Pain, Adult; Abdominal Pain, Child; Abdominal Swelling; Abrasions; Alcohol Problems; Allergic Reaction; Altered Level of Consciousness; Ankle Injury; Ankle Problems; Anxiety; Appetite Loss, Adult; Appetite Loss, Child; Arm or Hand Problems; Asthma; Avian Infl uenza ("Bird Flu") Exposure; Back/Neck Injury; Back Pain.
  • Bad BreathBedbug Exposure or Concerns; Bed-Wetting; Bee Stings; Bites, Animal/Human; Bites, Insect; Bites, Marine Animal; Bites, Snake; Bites, Tick; Black or Bloody Stools; Bleeding, Severe; Blood/Body Fluid Exposure; Bone, Joint, and Tissue Injury; Breast-Feeding Problems; Breast Problems; Breathing Problems; Bruising; Burns, Chemical; Burns, Electrical; Burns, Thermal; Car Sickness; Cast/Splint Problems; Chest Pain; Chest Trauma; Chickenpox; Child Abuse; Choking; Choking Emergency Procedure; Circumcision Care; Cold Exposure Problems; Common Cold Symptoms; Confusion; Congestion.
  • Congestive Heart FailureConstipation; Contact Lens Problems; Contraception, Emergency (EC); Cough; Croup; Crying, Excessive, in Infants; Dehydration; Depression; Diabetes Problems; Diaper Rash; Diarrhea, Adult; Diarrhea, Child; Dizziness; Domestic Abuse; Drowning (Near Drowning); Drug and Alcohol Problems; Earache, Drainage; Ear Injury, Foreign Body; Ear Ringing; Electric Injury; Extremity Injury; Eye Injury; Eye Problems; Facial Problems; Facial Skin Problems; Fainting; Falls; Fatigue; Feeding Tube Problems; Fever, Adult; Fever, Child; Finger and Toe Problems; Food Allergy.
  • Food Poisoning, SuspectedFoot Problems; Foreign Body, Eye; Foreign Body, Inhaled; Foreign Body, Nose; Foreign Body, Rectum; Foreign Body, Skin; Foreign Body, Swallowing of; Foreign Body, Vagina; Frostbite; Gas/Belching; Gas/Flatulence; Genital Lesions; Genital Problems, Male; Glands, Swollen or Tender; Hair Loss; Hand/Wrist Problems; Hay Fever Problems; Headache; Head Injury; Hearing Loss; Heartburn; Heart Rate Problems; Heat Exposure Problems; Hemorrhoids; Hepatitis; Hiccups; Hip Pain/Injury; Hives; HIV Exposure; Hoarseness; Hospice Problems; Hypertension; Hyperventilation; Hypotension.
  • Immunization, TetanusImmunization Reactions; Impetigo; Incontinence, Stool; Incontinence, Urine; Indigestion; Infl uenza; Insomnia; Intravenous Therapy Problems; Itching; Jaundice; Jaw Pain; Joint Pain/Swelling; Knee Pain/Swelling/Injury; Laceration; Leg Pain/Swelling; Lice; Menstrual Problems; Mouth Problems; Mumps; Muscle Cramps; Nausea/Vomiting, Adult; Nausea/Vomiting, Child; Neck Pain; Neurological Symptoms; Newborn Problems; Nosebleed; Nose Injury; Numbness and Tingling; Ostomy Problems; Overdose; Pertussis; Piercing Problems; Pink Eye; Pinworms; Poisoning, Suspected.