
German Democracy : From Post-World War II to the Present Day.

When the former allies of World War II divided Germany into two provisional states, no one would have predicted that this would last for nearly half a century. Nor could anyone have predicted that sixty years later, Germany would have shaken off its Nazi past so thoroughly as to emerge as a key play...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autor principal: Glaessner, Gert-Joachim
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: London : Bloomsbury Publishing, 2005.
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Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Preface; Chronology; 1. 1949 and 1989
  • New Democratic Beginnings and Continuity; Post-war Germany and the Foundation of Two German States; The Federal Republic and the GDR as Political and Societal Antipodes; The Second Foundation of the Federal Republic; 2. Constitutionalism and Constitutional Politics in Germany; The Basic Law of West Germany; The Socialist Constitution of East Germany; Constitutional Basics of the Federal Republic''s Political Order; Basic Rights and the System of Values (Werteordnung) of the Basic Law; The ''Free Democratic Basic Order''
  • 3. The Constitution of the United GermanyThe Quest for Reunification in the Basic Law; Constitutional Reform or Continuation of the Basic Law?; Constitutional Provisions of the Unification Treaty; Constitutional Amendments after Unification; 4. West and East : Germany in Europe; The Question of Sovereignty; The Politics of Integration; Deutschlandpolitik and Ostpolitik; The Aims of Deutschlandpolitik; The Path to German Unity; The New Germany and the European Order; 5. The System of Government; Guiding Principles of the System of Government; The Federal Structure; The Constitutional Bodies.
  • The Central Role of ParliamentThe Executive and Public Administration; Checks and Balances: the Federal Constitutional Court; External Actors: Organised Interest Groups; External Actors: the Media; 6. Elections, Coalitions, and Coalition Governments; The Central Role of Political Parties; The Electoral System; Federal Elections 1949-2002; Coalitions and Coalition Governments; The Constitutional and Political Role of the German Chancellor; Chancellor Democracy and Party Government
  • from Adenauer to Schröder; Institutional and Political Constraints; 7. The German Party System.
  • The Constitutional Role of Parties in the Basic LawThe Party System of the ''Old'' Federal Republic; A Brief Portrait of the Major German Parties; The Christian Democrats; The Social Democrats; The Liberals; The Greens; The Establishment of a New Democratic Party System in East Germany (1989-90); The German Party System after Unification; 8. The Power Structure of the German Democratic Republic; Dictatorship of the Proletariat or Socialist Democracy
  • The Political System of the GDR; The Point of Departure: Creating a Socialist System in East Germany.
  • The Foundation of the German Democratic RepublicOvercoming Stalinism; Technocratic Reforms in the 1960s; The Honecker Era; The Collapse of the Old Regime; The End of the State Party SED; Structural Defects of the Communist System; 9. The German Revolution of 1989 and German Unification; Were the Events of 1989 a Revolution?; Collapse and a New Beginning
  • the Citizens'' Movements and Democratic Transition; Dual Rule: The Old Regime and the New Political Forces; The First Democratic Elections in East Germany; The Controversy about a New Constitution for the GDR.