Tabla de Contenidos:
  • ""Atmospheric Change and the North American Transportation Sector: Summary of a Trilateral Workshop""; ""Copyright""; ""Contents""; ""Executive Summary""; ""Preface""; ""Introduction""; ""The Economic Importance of the Transportation Sector in North America""; ""Evolution of the North American Transportation Sector""; ""Atmospheric Changes Resulting from Transportation Activities""; ""Mobile source emissions""; ""Local and regional scale atmospheric changes""; ""Global scale atmospheric changes""; ""Impacts of These Atmospheric Changes""; ""Ecosystem impacts of air pollution""
  • ""Human health impacts of air pollution""""Impacts of global atmospheric changes""; ""Reducing the Impacts of the North American Transportation Sector""; ""TECHNOLOGICAL SOLUTIONS: CHANGING VEHICLE FLEET CHARACTERISTICS""; ""Future technologies""; ""Public/private partnerships""; ""Regulatory tools""; ""SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC SOLUTIONS: CHANGING INDIVIDUALS' USE DECISIONS""; ""APPROACHES CURRENTLY BEING USED IN THE THREE COUNTRIES""; ""REDUCING THE IMPACTS â€? SUMMARY""; ""Trilateral Cooperation""; ""Scientific Issues""; ""Technological and policy issues""; ""Critical Research Topics""
  • ""Scientific issues""""Technological and policy issues""; ""Acknowledgment of Reviewers""; ""Appendix A: Workshop Program""; ""TRILATERAL WORKSHOP ON ATMOSPHERIC CHANGE AND THE NORTH AMERICAN TRANSPORTATION SECTOR""