
A history of Christian doctrine /

Anyone who is interested in constructive theology needs a knowledge of the history of Christian theology. In succession to the classic History of Christian Doctrine by G.P. Fisher, Professor Cunliffe-Jones has brought together a team of experts in the various periods to provide a new and comprehensi...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Otros Autores: Cunliffe-Jones, Hubert (Editor )
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: London : T & T Clark, 2006.
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Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Cover; Preface; Table of Contents; List of Contributors; Bibliographical Note; Acknowledgements; INTRODUCTION; CHRISTIAN THEOLOGY IN THE PATRISTIC PERIOD; I. The Apostolic Fathers and the Second Century Movements; II. The Greek Apologists; III. Melito and Irenaeus; IV. Early Latin Theology: Tertullian and Novatian; V. The Alexandrian Theologians of the Third Century; VI. Eastern Theology from Origen to the Council of Nicaea; VII. The Development of Trinitarian Theology after the Council of Nicaea; VIII. The Christological Controversies; IX. Salvation, Sin and Grace.
  • X. The Church and the SacramentsCHRISTIAN THEOLOGY IN THE EAST 600-1453; I. The General Character of Byzantine Theology; II. The Seventh Century. The Monotheletes; St. Maximus the Confessor; III. The Iconoclast Controversy; IV. Constantinople and Rome (858-1439); V. Mystical Theology: St. Symeon the New Theologian and the Hesychasts; THE MIDDLE AGES 604-1350; Introductory; I. From Gregory the Great to Charlemagne. Rome and Constantinople; 1. The Monothelete Controversy; 2. The Iconoclast Controversy; 3. The Spanish Adoptionists; 4. The Filioque Controversy.
  • 5. The Development of the Discipline of Penance6. Indulgences; II. From Charlemagne to the Eleventh Century; 1. The First Eucharistic Debate; 2. Predestination; 3. The Breach between East and West; III. The Age of Revival and Reform 1000-1150; 1. The Second Eucharistic Controversy; 2. Anselm of Bee and Canterbury; 3. Abelard; 4. The Problem of Reordination; 5. The Influence of Bernard; 6. The Virgin Mary; IV. The First Century of Scholastic Theology c. 1050-c. 1200; 1. Theological Education 600-1160; 2. Canon Law and the Sacraments; 3. Heresy; V. The Golden Age of Scholasticism.
  • 1. Theological Education 1160-13002. Philosophy and Theology; 3. Bonaventure and Albert the Great; 4. Thomas Aquinas; VI. The Later Scholastics The Breakdown of the Thomist Synthesis; 1. The Condemnations of 1270 and 1277. Duns Scotus; 2. The Rhineland Neoplatonists; 3. William of Ockham c. 1300-c. 1349; 4. Scholasticism in Retrospect; CHRISTIAN DOCTRINE FROM 1350 TO THE EVE OF THE REFORMATION; John Wyclif; John Hus; John Gerson; Gerhard Groote; Nicholas of Cusa; Marsilius Ficino and Florentine Platonism; Fifteenth-Century Scholasticism; Erasmus.
  • A NOTE ON THEOLOGY IN THE CHRISTIAN EAST: THE FIFTEENTH TO SEVENTEENTH CENTURIESMARTIN LUTHER; Introduction; Luther''s Theology in the Making; Luther''s Matured Theology; 1. Sola Fide equals Sola Gratia equals Christus; 2. God: Man: The Law; 3. Church and Sacraments; ULRICH ZWINGLI; PHILIP MELANCHTHON AND MARTIN BUCER; Philip Melanchthon; Martin Bucer; JOHN CALVIN; THE COUNCIL OF TRENT; Scripture and Tradition; Justification; Sacraments; SIXTEENTH-CENTURY ANGLICAN THEOLOGY; THE HISTORY OF DOCTRINE IN THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY.