
Science at EPA : Information in the Regulatory Process.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency was created to protect public health and the environment, and it has traditionally emphasized its regulatory mission over its scientific mission. Yet for environmental policy to be credible with the public and policymakers, EPA?s actions must have a sound bas...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autor principal: Powell, Mark R.
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: Hoboken : Taylor and Francis, 2014.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Cover; Title Page; Copyright Page; Table of Contents; Foreword; Preface; 1. Introduction; Importance of the Problem; Nature of the Problem; Use of Science in Environmental Policy; Description of This Study; Endnotes; References; 2. Acquisition and Use of Science at EPA; Path of Science from Sources to Decisionmaker: Fate and Transport Analogy; Case Study Examples; Fate and Transport Analogy Limitations; Sources of Scientific Information; The Web of Communications; Endnotes; References; 3. Science inside EPA: Office of Research and Development; Agency Science Resources.
  • Office of Research and Development (ORD)Endnotes; References; 4. Science inside EPA: The Regulatory Programs; Office of Prevention, Pesticides, and Toxic Substances (OPPTS); Office of Air and Radiation (OAR); Office of Water; Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response (OSWER); Regional Offices; Endnotes; References; 5. An Evaluation; EPAs Science Agenda; Factors That Affect the Use of Science in Decisionmaking; The State of Environmental Science; Variation in EPAs Use of Science over Time; Addressing Uncertainty; Quality Control; Endnotes; References; 6. Policy Proposals.
  • Political LeadershipEPA Science Budget; Peer Review; Endnotes; References; Appendix A: The 1991 Lead/Copper Drinking Water Rule; Background; Scientific Issues; The Process within EPA; Science in the Final Decision; Concluding Observations; Epilogue; Endnotes; References; Appendix B: The 1995 Decision Not To Revise the Arsenic in Drinking Water Rule; Background; Scientific Issues; The Process within EPA; Science in the Final Decision; Concluding Observations; Epilogue; Endnotes; References; Appendix C: The 1987 Revision of the National Ambient Air Quality Standard for Particulate Matter.
  • BackgroundScientific Issues; The Process within EPA; Science in the Final Decision; Concluding Observations; Epilogue; Endnotes; References; Appendix D: The 1993 Decision Not To Revise the National Ambient Air Quality Standard for Ozone; Background; Scientific Issues; The Process within EPA; Science in the Final Decision; Concluding Observations; Epilogue; Endnotes; References; Appendix E: The 1983-1984 Suspensions of Ethylene Dibromide under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act; Background; Scientific Issues; The Process within EPA; Science in the Final Decision.
  • Concluding ObservationsEndnotes; References; Appendix F: The 1989 Asbestos Ban and Phaseout Rule under the Toxic Substances Control Act; Background; Scientific Issues; The Process within EPA; Science in the Final Decision; Concluding Observations; Endnotes; References; Appendix G: Control of Dioxins and Other Organochlorines from the Pulp and Paper Industry under the Clean Water Act; Background; Scientific Issues; The Process within EPA; The Proposal, Industry's Response, and a New Framework; Concluding Observations; Endnotes; References; Appendix H: Lead in Soil at Superfund Mining Sites.