Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Cover; CybertypesRace, Ethnicity, and Identityon the Internet; Title Page; Copyright Page; Table of Contents; Acknowledgments; Introduction; Cybertyping and the Work of Race in the Age of Digital Reproduction; Head-Hunting on the Internet: Identity Tourism, Avatars, and Racial Passing in Textual and Graphic Chat Spaces; Race in the Construct and the Construction of Race: The ""Consensual Hallucination"" of Multiculturalism in the Fictions of Cyberspace; ""Where Do You Want to Go Today?"": Cybernetic Tourism, the Internet, and Transnationality.
  • Menu-Driven Identities: Making Race Happen OnlineConclusion; Keeping It (Virtually) Real: The Discourse of Cyberspace as an Object of Knowledge; Notes; Works Cited; Index.