
Healthy longevity : a global approach.

Developed countries and certain regions of economically emerging nations have displaying a rapidly growing population of the oldest-old-nonagenarians, centenarians, and supercentenarians. As this trend continues, we must redirect some of our research on aging to the experience of advanced old age an...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Otros Autores: Crimmins, Eileen, Jagger, Carol, Robine, Jean-Marie
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: New York : Springer Pub. Co., ©2013.
Colección:Annual review of gerontology and geriatrics ; vol. 33.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Annual Review of Gerontology and Geriatrics: Healthy Longevity, A Global Approach; Half Title Page; Editors; Title Page; Copyright; Contents; About the Volume Editors; Contributors; Previous Volumes in the Series; Forthcoming Volume in the Series; Acknowledgments; Preface; PART 1: How Healthy Are the Longest Lived?; 1 The Oldest Old: Health in Europe and the United States; Abstract; Introduction; International Differences in Life Expectancy Among the Oldest Old; International Differences in Health Among the Oldest Child; Data; Results; Conclusion; Acknowledgements; References.
  • 2 Age Trajectory of High Cognitive FunctioningAmong the Oldest OldAbstract; Introduction; Cognitive Functioning; Methodological Challenges; Conclusion and Future Direction; References; 3 Malleability of Human Aging: The Curious Case ofOld-Age Mortality in Japan; Abstract; Introduction; Methods; Results; Discussion; References; 4 Quality of Health Care: Approaches and Findings Fromthe English Longitudinal Study of Ageing; Abstract; Introduction; What Is Good Quality of Care?; How Good is the Health Care of Older People in English Longitudinal Study of Ageing?
  • Future Challenges-Understanding Why Effective Care is Not Always DeliveredConclusions; References; 5 The Semantic Network of Aging Well; Abstract; Introduction; Brief History of the Aging Well Semantic Network; The Lay Concept of Aging Well; Some Problematic Issues on the Concept of Aging Well; Do Different Labels for Aging Well Mean the Same?; Conclusions; References; 6 A New Concept of Successful Aging in the Oldest Old: Development of Gerotranscendence and Its Influence onthe Psychological Well-Being; Abstract; Introduction; Models of Successful Aging.
  • Healhty Aging anf Longevity in OkinawaHealthy Aging and Longevinity in Hawaii; Trends in Research on HUman Health Span and Life Span: From Genes Versus Environment to Genes and Environment; Getting to the Core of Human Health Span; Acknowledgements; Dedication; References; 8 Mobility in Human Aging: A MultidisciplinaryLife Span Conceptual Framework; Abstract; Maintaining Mobility in Late Life: A Unifying Concept in Gerontology; Conclusions; References; 9 Physical and Biological Indicators of Health andFunctioning in U.S. Oldest Old; Abstract; Introduction; Background; Data and Methods.
  • Successful Aging in Centenarians and the Oldest OldDevelopment of the Japanese Version of the Gerotranscendence Scale with New Concept; Age Difference in Gerotranscendence and It's Influence on Psychological Health-Finding from the Sonic Study; Conclusion; Ackowledgement; References; PART 2: What Drives Healthy Longevity?; 7 Optimizing Human Health Span and Life Span:Insights From Okinawa and Hawaii; Abstract; Introduction; What Can We Realistically Accomplish in the Field of Healthy Aging?; The Evidence is Emerging; The Healthy Aging Paradigm in Okinawa and Hawaii: Alive and Well?