
Understanding inequality : the intersection of race/ethnicity, class, and gender /

As the age of globalization and New Media unite disparate groups of people in new ways, the continual transformation and interconnections between ethnicity, class, and gender become increasingly complex. This reader, comprised of a diverse array of sources ranging from the New York Times to the jour...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autor principal: Arrighi, Barbara A. (Autor, Editor )
Otros Autores: Addelston, Judi, Bell, Derrick, 1930-2011, Blumenthal, Karen, Butler, Judith, 1956-, Camhi, Jane Jerome, Chambliss, William J., Cooper, Marc, Davies-Netzley, Sally Ann, Beauvoir, Simone de, 1908-1986, Domhoff, G. William, Douglas, Susan J. (Susan Jeanne), 1950-, Dziech, Billie Wright, Estrich, Susan, Fausto-Sterling, Anne, 1944-, Fine, Billie Michelle, Graham, Lawrence, Hall, Julia (Professor of sociology), hooks, bell, 1952-2021, Katz-Fishman, Walda, Kimmel, Michael S., Lemert, Charles C., 1937-, Lorber, Judith, Madrid-Barela, Arturo, Mernissi, Fatima, Mill, John Stuart, 1806-1873, Nonn, Timothy, Pollitt, Katha, Reay, Diane, Rogers, Mary F. (Mary Frances), 1944-, Karlyn, Kathleen Rowe, 1947-, Silko, Leslie Marmon, 1948-, Snider, Laureen, 1944-, Shṭayer, Ḥayah, Tannen, Deborah, Thompson, Edward H., Jr., 1945-, Tienda, Marta, Weis, Lois, Worchel, Stephen, Zweigenhaft, Richard L.
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: Lanham, Maryland : Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, ©2007.
Edición:2nd ed.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Part I. Helpful conceptual tools
  • Mysterious power of social structures / Charles Lemert
  • "They" are all the same, but each member of my group is unique / Stephen Worchel
  • Part II. Embedded ideology : racism/ethnocentrism and sexism
  • Black women and feminism / bell hooks
  • Divining our racial themes / Derrick Bell
  • Size 6 : the Western women's harem / Fatema Mernissi
  • Part III. The other wears many faces
  • Diversity and its discontents / Arturo Madrid
  • Coping with the alienation of white, male students / Billie Wright Dziech
  • The second sex / Simone de Beauvoir
  • Part IV. Structured inequality : the invisible iron cage of class
  • The double-bind of the "working-class," feminist academic : the success of failure or the failure of success? / Diane Reay
  • (In)secure times : constructing white working-class masculinities in the late twentieth century / Michelle Fine, Lois Weis, Judi Addelston, and Julia Marusza
  • Part V. Structured inequality : race/ethnicity
  • A black woman took my job / Michael Kimmel
  • Are men marginal to the family? insights from Chicago's inner city / Haya Stier and Marta Tienda
  • Policing the ghetto underclass : the politics of law and law enforcement / William J. Chambliss
  • America's Iron Curtain : the Border Patrol state / Leslie Marmon Silko
  • The heartland's raw deal : how meatpacking is creating a new immigrant underclass / Marc Cooper
  • Part VI. Structured inequality : acquiring gender
  • Bodies that matter : on the discursive limits of "sex" / Judith Butler
  • Believing is seeing : biology as ideology / Judith Lorber
  • Toward safer societies : punishment, masculinities, and violence against women / Laureen Snider
  • Tomboys yes, Janegirls never / Barbara A. Arrighi
  • Hormonal hurricanes : menstruation and female behavior / Anne Fausto-Sterling
  • Part VII. Corporate gatekeeping : fitting in
  • Talking from 9 to 5 : how women's and men's conversational styles affect who gets heard, who gets credit, and what gets done at work / Deborah Tannen
  • Women in the power elite / Richard L. Zweigenhaft and G. William Domhoff
  • Women above the glass ceiling : perceptions on corporate mobility and strategies for success / Sally Ann Dauies-Netzley
  • Invisible women / Katha Pollitt
  • Part VIII. Women's equality : progress and resistance
  • Women against women : American antisuffragism, 1880-1920 / Jane Jerome Camhi
  • Where the girls are : growing up female with the mass media / Susan J. Douglas
  • Mating, marriage, and the marketplace : a survey of college students' attitudes and expectations / Barbara A. Arrighi
  • Part IX. The price of deviance
  • The unruly woman : gender and the genres of laughter / Kathleen Rowe
  • Black man with a nose job : how we defend ethnic beauty in America / Lawrence Otis Graham
  • Hitting bottom : homelessness, poverty, and masculinity / Timothy Nonn
  • Older men as invisible men in contemporary society / Edward H. Thompson
  • Part X. Patriarchy and its consequences
  • The subjection of women / John Stuart Mill
  • Real rape / Susan Estrich
  • Clarence Thomas, patriarchal discourse, and public/private spheres / Mary F. Rogers
  • Part XI. Equality and the millennium : the crisis in education has consequences for the -isms
  • How Harvard helped curb Title IX's role in admitting women / Karen Blumenthal
  • Downsizing higher education : confronting the new realities of the high-tech information age global economy / Walda Katz-Fishman.