
Beyond tropical deforestation : from tropical deforestation to forest cover dynamics and forest development /

Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autores Corporativos: CIRAD (Organization), Unesco
Otros Autores: Babin, Didier
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: Paris : United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization : Centre de cooperation internationale en recherche agronomique pour le developpement, ©2004.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Contents
  • List of tables
  • List of figures
  • List of plates
  • List of boxes
  • List of contributors
  • List of acronyms
  • Introduction Didier Babin
  • Part 1: Measuring and Understanding Deforestation and Forest Dynamics
  • 1. The changing objectives of FAO forest resource evaluation Martin-Eric Loffeier and Julie Brayer
  • 2. A spatial approach to deforestation phenomena : what remote sensing can contribute Jacques Imbernon
  • 3. The contribution of 13C isotopic tracing of soil organic matter to the reconstitution of forest-savannah successions in the coastal zone of Gabon Robert Nasi and Dominique Schwartz4. Deforestation in Amazonia : the actual situation is difficult to pinpoint Luciana Machado and Richard Pasquis
  • 5. The changes in Indonesian forests : available tools and indicators Marie-Gabrielle Piketty and Yves Laumonier
  • 6. Deforestation in CÃ?te d'Ivoire : the exploitation of forest resources FranÃois Verdeaux and AliÃ?ne Alpha
  • 7. Deforestation and its impact on biological diversity :a question of scale Richard Pasquis and Meriem Bouamrane8. Deforestation and fires : the example of Madagascar Alain Bertrand and Rivo Ratsimbarison
  • 9. Environmental impact of deforestation : the retreat of the mangrove versus mangle dynamics Marie-Christine Cormier-Salem
  • 10. Tropical forest dynamics and climate change Bruno Locatelli and Alain Karsenty
  • Part 2: Forest Dynamics as a Complex Society Process
  • 11. Can deforestation help rebuild forests? The Indonesian agroforests GeneviÃ?ve Michon and Meriem Bouamrane12. Does population growth affect wooded-cover dynamics? Bruno Locatelli, Stanislas Boissau and Jacques Weber
  • 13. The spread of the Merina people in Madagascar and natural forest and eucalyptus stand dynamics Alain Bertrand
  • 14. Forest dynamics : the case of Burundi : images, views, farmer innovations and forestry policies Philippe Guizol and Cléto Ndikumagenge
  • 15. Agricultural occupation patterns in an immigration zone in south-western Burkina Faso Xavier Augusseau and Souleymane Pare16. Agricultural pioneer fronts, the crest of a far-reaching wave : the social and spatial dimension of lowland colonization in Nicaragua Christophe Maldidier
  • 17. Grazing impact on the savannah in Burkina Faso : a three-scale investigation of ligneous plant dynamics in animal production zones Sandrine Petit, Marie BussiÃ?re and Julie Laurent