Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Preface; List of Contributors; I. Opening remarks; Comments on reconstructions in historical linguistics; Reconstruction and historical linguistics [Discussion of Koerner's paper]; II. Laryngeal Theory; The nature of the Proto-Indo-European laryngeals; The Laryngeal Theory and the phonology of Prehistoric Greek; Laryngeal metathesis: An Aryan peculiarity?; Against a Proto-Indo-European phoneme *a; Monophthongizations: More plausible than laryngeals!; Discussions of papers on Laryngeal Theory; On (the nature of) Proto-Indo-European laryngeals [Discussion of Bammesberger's and Beekes's papers].
  • Remarks on R.S.P. Beekes, 'The nature of the Proto-Indo-European laryngeals'III. Glottalic Theory; Historical Italic phonology in typological perspective; Lachmann's law; Phonological and morphological consequences of the 'Glottalic Theory'; Language typology and Indo-European reconstruction; Sound change typology and the 'Ejective Model'; Neue Forschungen zur germanischen Lautverschiebung
  • ein Fall von Paradigmenwechsel?; Die Tenues Aspiratae: Dreiteilung oder Vierteilung des indogermanischen Plosivsystems und die Konsequenzen dieser Frage für die Chronologie einer Glottalreihe.
  • Towards a characterization of the Proto-Indo-European sound systemThe Indo-European obstruent features and phonotactic constraints; Discussions of papers on Glottalic Theory; Latin phonology and the 'Glottalic Model' [Discussion of Baldi
  • Johnston-Staver's, Kortlandt's, and Vennemann's papers]; Remarks on Baldi
  • Johnston-Staver, 'Historical Italic phonology in typological perspective'; Remarks on F. Kortlandt, 'Lachmann's law'; Letter to Theo Vennemann; Reply to Claude Boisson's remarks; Remarks on T.V. Gamkrelidze, 'Language typology and Indo-European reconstruction'
  • Indo-European consonant shifts
  • Algebra, arithmetic, or normal science? [Discussion of Job's and Schrodt's papers]Remarks on J.E. Rasmussen, 'Die Tenues Aspiratae: Dreiteilung oder Vierteilung des indogermanischen Plosivsystems und die Konsequenzen dieser Frage für die Chronologie einer Glottalreihe'; Erwiderung auf Paul J. Hoppers 'Remarks'; 'Das Arlbergmodell'
  • ein Diskussionsbeitrag; Lettre aux participants de l'Atelier sur l'indo-européen du Congrès de Pavie; IV. Concluding remarks; Notes on the Workshop: Reconstructions of the Proto-Indo-European sound system and their consequences.