
Advances in Chemical Physics.

Detailed reviews of new and emerging topics in chemical physics presented by leading experts The Advances in Chemical Physics series is dedicated to reviewing new and emerging topics as well as the latest developments in traditional areas of study in the field of chemical physics. Each volume featur...

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Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autor principal: Rice, Stuart Alan, 1932-
Otros Autores: Dinner, Aaron R.
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: New York : Wiley, 2013.
Edición:2nd ed.
Colección:Advances in chemical physics.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Advances In Chemical Physics; Contributors; Preface to The Series; Contents; Recent Advances in Ultrafast X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy of Solutions; I. Introduction; II. Experimental Methods; A. Steady-State XAS; 1. Transmission and Fluorescence Detection Modes; B. Time-Resolved XAS; 1. General Setup; 2. Interpretation of the Transient Signal; C. Sources of Ultrafast X-ray Pulses and Data Acquisition; 1. Picosecond XAS; 2. Femtosecond XAS: The Slicing Scheme; 3. Future Developments: X-FELs; III. Theoretical Approaches for XAFS; A. Structural Analysis: The EXAFS Region.
  • B. The Quasiparticle Approximation: Modeling the Near Edge1. Green's Functions and Multiple Scattering Theory; 2. Beyond Spherical Potentials; C. Many-Body Effects; 1. The Self-Energy Operator; 2. Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory; 3. Post-Hartree-Fock Methods; D. Beyond Picosecond Temporal Resolution; IV. Examples; A. Photoinduced Hydrophobicity; B. Spin-Crossover Molecular Systems; C. Solvent Effects; D. Intramolecular Charge Transfer; V. Outlook; Acknowledgments; References; Scaling Perspective on Intramolecular Vibrational Energy Flow: Analogies, Insights, and Challenges.
  • I. Introduction: Motivation and Historical OverviewII. IVR: Analogy to Anderson Localization; A. Introducing the IVR State Space; B. Quantum Ergodicity Threshold; 1. Ensemble of Hamiltonians: Probabilistic Approach to the Transition; III. Scaling Theory of IVR; A. State Space Predictions; IV. Important Questions; V. Classical-Quantum Correspondence and IVR; A. State Space-Phase Space Correspondence; B. Geometry of the Resonance Network: Arnold Web; C. Computing the Arnold Web; 1. Variational Approaches; 2. Time-Frequency Analysis; 3. "Coarse-Grained" Frequency Ratio Space.
  • D. Quantum State Space ₄!Classical Phase SpaceVI. Concluding Remarks; Acknowledgments; References; Longest Relaxation Time of Relaxation Processes for Classical and Quantum Brownian Motion in a Potential: Escape Rate Theory Approach; I. Introduction; II. Escape Rate for Classical Brownian Motion; A. Review of the Kramers' Results: Escape Rate from a Single Isolated Well; 1. Kramers' Escape Rate Theory; 2. Range of Validity of the IHD and VLD Formulas; 3. Extension of Kramers' Theory to Many Dimensions in the IHD Limit; 4. Langer's Treatment of the IHD Limit.
  • 5. Kramers' Formula as a Special Case of Langer's FormulaB. Kramers' Turnover Problem; 1. Green Function of the Energy-Action Diffusion Equation; 2. Integral Equation for the Distribution Function in Energy-Action Variables; 3. Kramers' VLD Result; 4. Criticisms of the Ad Hoc Approach of Mel'nikov and Meshkov; C. Applications of the Theory of Brownian Movement in a Potential and of the Kramers Theory; D. Escape Rate for a Fixed Axis Rotator in a Double-Well Potential; 1. Turnover Formula for the Escape Rate for Fixed Axis Rotation.