
GIEE 2011 : Formation Interdisciplinaire des Ingénieurs et Problème du Genre.

Attracting more young people, particularly women, in Engineering and Technology (ET) is a major concern in Europe today. Their participation in engineering occupations appears to be a key-issue for European economic and technical development, as well as a central achievement towards gender equality...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autor principal: Béraud, André
Otros Autores: Godfroy, Anne-Sophie, Michel, Jean
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: Dordrecht : Springer, 2012.
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Tabla de Contenidos:
  • GIEE 2011: Gender and Interdisciplinary Educationfor Engineers: Formation Interdisciplinaire des Ingénieurs etProblème du Genre; Table of contents; Foreword; key note speakers; An ethica l and sociologica l view on women engineers and on the role interdisciplinary courses can playin attracting young people, and women, to engineering education; Introduction; What is my background?; From what position do I speak today?; 1. Social injustice and the underrepresentation of womenin engineering.; The insufficient "women-friendliness" of business; Different legitimate desires?
  • 2. The lack of interest shown by the young generation in scienceand the shortage of engineers3. Why should there be more interdisciplinary courses? And what for?; References; The Bologna Process and transparencyin European Engineering Education:increased chances for equal opportunities; SUMARY; Introduction; The "Bologna Process", 1998-2010 and beyond; Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Higher Education; International Aspects Of Accreditation Of Engineering Education:The Eur-Ace Approach; Conclusions; Women in Tec hnology in the U.S.:Glas Cei ling Still Not Broken.
  • Statistics on Women in Science and Engineering in the U.S. Curriculum Project in Engineering Designed to Attract Women; Women In The Academic Workforce In Science And Engineering; The Gender Gap in Patenting; Conclusion; References; A Vision for the Future of Europea Engineering: Greater gender equality and the utilisation of the skills and talents of all of society; Abstract; Introduction; Statistical Evidence; Problems for women students in Higher Education; Problems for professional women engineers; Long hours culture; Family Versus Work; Gender Stereotyping.
  • Occupational Socialisation and Gender IdentityGendered Networking and the Career Ladder; Evolution; Ways forward into the Future?; UKRC Services for Employers; UKRC Services for Employees and Returners to SET; Conclusion; References; Session 1:teaching and learning, contents and cultures; Interdisciplinary Teachingand Learning for Diverse and Sustainable Engineering Education; Abstract; Introduction; What has happened so far?; The Helena project; Why do things change so slowly?; What more can be done?; Recommendations; Conclusions; Bibliography.
  • Women in engineering in the UK :approaches to inclusion and engineering curriculum developmentAbstract; Introduction; Overview of data; Engineering curriculum development; Interdisciplinary aspects; Content Development; Teaching Environment and Assessment Innovations; Constraints on curriculum development; How is it framed?; Conclusion; Acknowledgement; Bibliography; Influence of the perception of science on Engineering & Technologies study choices in Lithuania; Abstract; Introduction; Young women and men perceptions, priorities and choices related to E & T study choice.