
Introduction To Zen Training.

When Buddha Said that We suffer because of our attachments, he was describing the condition in which we view the world from the perspective of our ego, that part of us that sags fundamentally we are each individual, apart from all that surrounds us. Buddhism in general is a religion that leads to a...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autor principal: Omori
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: Hoboken : Taylor and Francis, 2012.
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Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Cover; An Introduction to Zen Training: A Translation of Sanzen Nyumon; Copyright; Table of Contents; Acknowledgements; Canon; Foreword to the English Edition; Introduction; Preface; Chapter 1. Why Do Zazen; To Know Our True Self; Now, Here and I; Chapter 2. The Aim of Zazen; Types of Zazen; Mistaken Aims; What Is Zazen?; The Four Relationships Between Sitting and Zen; Chapter 3. How to Sit in Zen Meditation; Preparation Before Sitting; Adjusting the Body; Adjusting the Breath; Adjusting the Mind; Illustrations of the Unification of Mind, Breath, and Body
  • Chapter 4. Things to Pay Attention to During MeditationAdvisability of Putting Strength in the Hara; On Mitnen Mitso (No Thought and No Thinking); The Direction of Zazen; How Long Should We Sit?; Continue Training Long and Steadily; Selecting Your Teacher; On Makyo (Disturbing Conditions); How to Get to Your Feet After Sitting; Kufu in Movement-Practical Training; Zazen Without Sitting; Samadhi and Attachment; Sit Hard and Sit a Great Deal; The Rinzai Sect and the Soto Sect; Discipline and Proof; Zen Associations; Chapter 5. Physiological Effects; In Serenity Beyond Life and Death
  • Dying in MeditationEvery Day a Good Day; Playing in Samadhi; Solitary Sitter: Great Sublime Peak; A Clear Wind Arising in Every Step of Our Feet; Standing Up in Response; Coming Without Any Sound; Being Unborn; Waiting in Hell; Chapter 6. Zazen Wasan (A Song of Zazen); Chapter 7. The Ten Oxherding Pictures; Epilogue; Appendices; Notes; Lineage; Glossary; Index