
People money : the promise of regional currencies /

People Money is a comprehensive guide to the principles and practice of regional currencies. It shows how regional currencies can transform the lives and well-being of local communities, how they can sustain businesses, how local authorities can participate in their success and, consequently, why su...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autor principal: Kennedy, Margrit I.
Otros Autores: Lietaer, Bernard A., Rogers, John, 1959-
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: Axminster, Devon, United Kingdom : Triarchy Press, 2012.
Edición:First edition.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Cover; Introduction; Contents; Introduction; Part One The Case for Regional Currencies; Chapter 1 Think globally, act regionally; Globalisation
  • a dirty word?; Regional development
  • a global phenomenon; Making decisions at the right level; Global problems, regional solutions; Chapter 2 Money, the blind spot; What is money?; What is the cost of money?; People Money; Complementary currencies ; Regional currencies; Policies for regional currencies; A negative example: how to destroy regional sustainability ; Two positive examples of regional currencies; Banco Palmas, Brazil.
  • WIR Bank, SwitzerlandWIR's stabilisation effect on the Swiss economy; What can we learn? ; Chapter 3 An old idea in new clothes; Historical precedents ; Good money, bad money?; Historical inflation rates; From gold standard to global currencies; Local money in the UK ; The Guernsey Story; The Wörgl Story; Regional currencies for regional economies ; Key lessons; Chapter 4 Characteristics of regional currencies; Each region is different; Goal: reverse the drainage effect; Key elements of a regional currency; The 'best' mechanism? A lively debate!; Integration and organisation.
  • Criteria applying to a regional currencyCo-operation with financial institutions; Fiscal aspects of regional currencies; Clearing systems; Part Two
  • Regional Currencies in Practice; Chapter 5 A global community of practice; Learning from doing; Is it a movement?; Why do people start them? ; Where are they?; Chapter 6 How to implement a regional currency; Learning from a currency that failed; Development process; Complex system; Get on board ; Models of ownership
  • who can start it and how long does it take? ; Researching the routes and destinations
  • the key economic and social players.
  • Designing the bus
  • choosing the currency mechanismCreating a bus company
  • formalising ownership and governance; Hiring the drivers and servicing the passengers
  • management of the currency; Keeping the bus on the road
  • recovering costs; Telling people about the service
  • marketing; When to launch? ; Remember to review; Chapter 7 The people and their money
  • portraits of regional currencies; Who starts them? ; The many habits of highly effective local money organisers; A simplified typology of regional currencies; Interviews with local organisers.
  • Currencies that support local economy
  • Business Exchange SystemsThe Business Exchange, Scotland ; Community Connect Trade Association, USA; RES, Belgium; puntoTRANSacciones, El Salvador; Currencies that support local economy
  • other local economic models; Brixton Pound, England; Talente Tauschkreis Vorarlberg, Austria; Equal Dollars, USA; BerkShares, USA; Chiemgauer, Germany; SOL Violette, France; Ithaca HOURS USA; Argentine stories; Currencies that grow community; Blaengarw Time Centre, Wales; Community Exchange System, South Africa; Dane County Time Bank, USA; Other regional models.