
Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting : Modelling and Application.

The transformation of vibrations into electric energy through the use of piezoelectric devices is an exciting and rapidly developing area of research with a widening range of applications constantly materialising. With Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting, world-leading researchers provide a timely and c...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autor principal: Erturk, Alper
Otros Autores: Inman, D. J.
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: Chicester : Wiley, 2011.
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Tabla de Contenidos:
  • PIEZOELECTRIC ENERGYHARVESTING; Contents; About the Authors; Preface; 1 Introduction to Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting; 1.1 Vibration-Based Energy Harvesting Using Piezoelectric Transduction; 1.2 An Example of a Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting System; 1.3 Mathematical Modeling of Piezoelectric Energy Harvesters; 1.4 Summary of the Theory of Linear Piezoelectricity; 1.5 Outline of the Book; References; 2 Base Excitation Problem for Cantilevered Structures and Correction of the Lumped-Parameter Electromechanical Model.
  • 2.1 Base Excitation Problem for the Transverse Vibrations of a Cantilevered Thin Beam2.1.1 Response to General Base Excitation; 2.1.2 Steady-State Response to Harmonic Base Excitation; 2.1.3 Lumped-Parameter Model of the Harmonic Base Excitation Problem; 2.1.4 Comparison of the Distributed-Parameter and the Lumped-Parameter Model Predictions; 2.2 Correction of the Lumped-Parameter Base Excitation Model for Transverse Vibrations; 2.2.1 Correction Factor for the Lumped-Parameter Model; 2.2.2 Effect of a Tip Mass on the Correction Factor.
  • 2.3 Experimental Case Studies for Validation of the Correction Factor2.3.1 Cantilevered Beam without a Tip Mass under Base Excitation; 2.3.2 Cantilevered Beam with a Tip Mass under Base Excitation; 2.4 Base Excitation Problem for Longitudinal Vibrations and Correction of its Lumped-Parameter Model; 2.4.1 Analytical Modal Analysis and Steady-State Response to Harmonic Base Excitation; 2.4.2 Correction Factor for Longitudinal Vibrations; 2.5 Correction Factor in the Electromechanically Coupled Lumped-Parameter Equations and a Theoretical Case Study.
  • 2.5.1 An Electromechanically Coupled Lumped-Parameter Model for Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting2.5.2 Correction Factor in the Electromechanically Coupled Lumped-Parameter Model and a Theoretical Case Study; 2.6 Summary; 2.7 Chapter Notes; References; 3 Analytical Distributed-Parameter Electromechanical Modeling of Cantilevered Piezoelectric Energy Harvesters; 3.1 Fundamentals of the Electromechanically Coupled Distributed-Parameter Model; 3.1.1 Modeling Assumptions and Bimorph Configurations; 3.1.2 Coupled Mechanical Equation and Modal Analysis of Bimorph Cantilevers.
  • 3.1.3 Coupled Electrical Circuit Equation of a Thin Piezoceramic Layer under Dynamic Bending3.2 Series Connection of the Piezoceramic Layers; 3.2.1 Coupled Beam Equation in Modal Coordinates; 3.2.2 Coupled Electrical Circuit Equation; 3.2.3 Closed-Form Voltage Response and Vibration Response at Steady State; 3.3 Parallel Connection of the Piezoceramic Layers; 3.3.1 Coupled Beam Equation in Modal Coordinates; 3.3.2 Coupled Electrical Circuit Equation; 3.3.3 Closed-Form Voltage Response and Vibration Response at Steady State.