Tabla de Contenidos:
  • The emergent field of medical mineralogy and geochemistry / Nita Sahai, Martin A.A. Schoonen, H. Catherine W. Skinner
  • The toxicological geochemistry of earth materials : an overview of processes and the interdisciplinary methods used to understand them / Geoffrey S. Plumlee, Suzette A. Morman, Thomas L. Ziegler
  • Metal speciation and its role in bioaccessibility and bioavailability / Richard J. Reeder, Martin A.A. Schoonen, Antonio Lanzirotti
  • Aluminum, Alzheimer's Disease and the geospatial occurrence of similar disorders / Daniel P. Perl, Sharon Moalem
  • Potential role of soil in the transmission of prion disease / P.T. Schramm [and others]
  • Interaction of iron and calcium minerals in coals and their roles in coal dust-induced health and environmental problems / Xi Huang [and others]
  • Mineral-induced formation of reactive oxygen species / Martin A.A. Schoonen [and others]
  • Bone : nature of the calcium phosphate crystals and cellular, structural, and physical chemical mechanisms in their formation / Melvin J. Glimcher
  • Silicate biomaterials for orthopaedic and dental implants / Marta Cerruti, Nita Sahai
  • 10. Living cells in oxide glasses / Jacques Livage, Thibaud Coradin.