
Children and Youth in the Labour Process in Africa.

It is increasingly clear that children and the youth today play a significant role in the labour process in Africa. But, to what extent is this role benign? And when and why does this role become exploitative rather than beneficial? This book on children and the youth in Africa sets out to address t...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: CODESRIA 2009.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Cover
  • Title Page
  • Copyright Page
  • Contents
  • Contributors
  • 1. Introduction: Children and Youth in the Labour Process
  • 2. Child Labour in Contemporary Africa: Issues and Challenges
  • 3. Getting Them Young: Child Labour in Ikot Ekpene from a Historical Perspective
  • 4. Economic Crises and Child Trafficking in Nigeria: A Comparative Analysis of the 1930s and 1990s
  • 5. Children Exploitation in the Labour Process: Empirical Exposition from Ile-Ife, Nigeria
  • 6. Internal Child Trafficking in Nigeria: Transcending Legal Borders
  • 7. Le Ph233;nom232;ne Vidom233;gon: une autre forme de Traffic dEnfant dans la ville de Cotono
  • 8. Probl233;matique du Travail des Enfants et les Strat233;gies de Survie au Congo Brazzaville
  • 9. 201;tude sur le Travail des Enfants dans LAgriculture: R233;gion de Mekn232;s Tafilalet, Maroc
  • 10. Probl233;matique de la Prostitution Infanto-Juv233;nile 224; Kinshasa: Cas des Tshel
  • 11. Enfants et jeunes dans le m233;tier de la danse au sein des groupes musicaux modernes 224; Kinshasa
  • 12. Conclusion
  • Back Cover.