
Ma?la?a and the Purpose of the Law : Islamic Discourse on Legal Change from the 4th/10th to 8th/14th Century.

Analyzing pre-modern writings on Islamic legal theory, this book comprehensively presents the transformation of the concept of maá'£la?a as a vehicle of legal change from a minor legal principle to being understood as the all-encompassing purpose of God.

Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: Brill 2010.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Cover13;
  • Contents
  • List of Tables and Diagrams
  • Acknowledgements
  • Introduction
  • Chapter One: The Emergence of Maslah803;a as a Legal Concept
  • I. Mas803;lah803;a and Istis803;l257;h803; and their Relationship to Juristic Preference (Istih803;s257;n)
  • II. Mas803;lah803;a and Istis803;l257;h803; in Legal Writings Prior to the 5th/11th Century
  • 1. Ibn al-Muqaffa'
  • 2. Muh803;ammad b. Ah803;mad al-Khw257;razm299;
  • 3. Ab363; Bakr al-Jass803;257;803;s803;
  • III. The Intellectual Background of the Discourse on Mas803;lah803;a in Legal Theory
  • 1. Moral Knowledge: Revealed or Rational?
  • 2. Two Models of the Ratio Legis
  • IV. Ab363; l-H803;usayn al-Basr803;299;
  • 1. The Epistemology of Mas803;lah803;a
  • 2. The Ratio Legis as an Aspect (Wajh) of Mas803;lah803;a
  • V. Im257;m al-H803;aramayn al-Juwayn299;
  • 1. The All-Encompassing Religious Law
  • 2. Considerations of Mas803;lah803;a in the Procedure of Legal Analogy
  • 3. Five Categories of Rationes Legis and their Ability to Extend the Law
  • Chapter Two: Integrating Masl803;ah803;a into Legal Analogy Qiy257;s
  • I. Formal and Substantive Rationality in Incorporating Mas803;lah803;a into Legal Theory
  • II. Ab363; H803;257;mid Muh803;ammad al-Ghaz257;l299;
  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. The Purpose of the Shar299;'a
  • 3. Verifying the Ratio Legis by its Suitability
  • III. Fakhr al-D299;n al-R257;z299;
  • 1. Defining Analogy (Qiy257;s) in Terms of Logic
  • 2. Identifying the Ratio Legis of Rulings by Suitability
  • 3. Is There Causality in God8217;s Law?
  • 4. Including the Unattested Mas803;lah803;a into Analogy
  • Chapter Three: Applying Masl803;ah803;a in Legal Precepts (Qaw257;'id)
  • I. Shih257;b al-D299;n Ah803;mad b. Idr299;s al-Qar257;f299;
  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. Mas803;lah803;a as a Legal Precept
  • 3. Mas803;lah803;a as Element of Legal Analogy
  • Chapter Four: Using Substantive Legal Reasoning to Integrate Mas803;lah803;a into the Law
  • I.A Shift in Epistemology
  • II. Ibn Taymiyya
  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. Mas803;lah803;a in Law-Finding
  • 3. The Unattested Mas803;lah803;a
  • 4. The Intellect8217;s Ability to Know Good (H803;asan) and Bad (Qab299;h803;)
  • III. Najm al-D299;n al-T803;363;f299;
  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. The Had299;th 8220;l257; d803;arar wa-l257; d803;ir257;r8221;
  • 3. Mas803;lah803;a as the Strongest Legal Indicant
  • 4. Giving Priority to Mas803;lah803;a in the Law-Finding Process
  • 5. The Relationship between Specification (Takhs803;299;s803;) and Legal License (Rukhs803;a)
  • Chapter Five: A Comprehensive Theory of Masl803;ah803;a
  • I. Ibr257;h298;m b. M363;s225; al-Sh257;t803;ib299;
  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. The Epistemology of Mas803;lah803;a: Certainty and Universality
  • 3. The Purposes of the Shar299;'a
  • 4. How to Know God8217;s Intentions
  • 5. The Law-Finding Process
  • Conclusions
  • References
  • Index.