Table of Contents:
  • Silent revolution of a Muslim Arab American Scholar-Activist / Nimat Hafez Barazangi
  • Allah doesn't change the condition of people until they change themselves / Ekram Beshir
  • War zones: anecdotes / Mariam Bhabha
  • Activism as a way of life / Katherine Bullock
  • My life journey / Muniza Farooqi
  • Rawahil / Khadija Haffajee
  • Rocking the boat and stirring the pot / Rose Hamid
  • Struggling with words, striving through words: my odyssey in activism / Gul Joya Jafri
  • Working to help all the world's children / Laila Al-Marayati
  • Building a community for the next generation / Olivia Monem
  • In pursuit of peace and justice / Nadira Mustapha
  • Activism: a passion for justice / Samadah Raquibah Amatul Nur
  • Activism: a part of life / Mona Rahman
  • Life of a Muslim woman activist / Margaret Sabir-Gillette
  • Muslim activist: mother and educator / Freda Shamma
  • Taking the bus to the world of Islamic activism / Samana Siddiqui
  • Is the reward for good other than good? / Shahina Siddiqui
  • Undoing internalized inferiority / Tayyibah Taylor.