Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Contents; Acknowledgements; Introduction: Thinking Palestine; Setting the object of the debate; State of exception; Racial state; Israel as a racial state; 'Insurrection of subjugated knowledges'; The book; Notes and references; Part 1 The Palestinianization of Race; 1 Racial Palestinianization; 2 Globalizing Racism and Myths of the Other in the 'War on Terror'; Part 2 Palestine: Biopolitics and States of Exception; 3 Thanatopolitics: The Case of the Colonial Occupation in Palestine.
  • 4 Palestinian Refugee Camps in Lebanon: Laboratories of State-in-the-Making, Discipline and Islamist Radicalism5 Incarnation and the State of Exception: Al-Ansar Mass Detention Camp in Lebanon; 6 The Ghettoization of the Palestinians; 7 The Persistence of the Exception: Some Remarks on the Story of Israeli Constitutionalism; 8 The Mukhabarat State of Israel: A State of Oppression is not a State of Exception; Part 3 Palestine: Contested Representations; 9 Palestinian Munadelat: Between Western Representation and Lived Realit.