
Under the Influence : Questioning the Comparative in Medieval Castile.

A volume of eleven innovative essays on cultural production in medieval Castile, blending original archival work with a rigorous consideration of comparative methodology for the study of religions and languages in contact.

Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autor principal: Robinson, Cynthia
Otros Autores: Rouhi, Leyla
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: Leiden : BRILL, 2004.
Colección:Medieval and early modern Iberian world ; v. 22.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • List of Contributors; List of Illustrations; Editor's Introduction; A Fifteenth-Century Salamancan's Pursuit of Islamic Studies (Leyla Rouhi); How to Administer a Conquered City in al-Andalus: Mosques, Parish Churches and Parishes (Heather Ecker); The Gothic Anamorphic Gaze: Regarding the Worth of Others (Francisco Prado-Vilar); Muslim Shrouds for Christian Kings? A Reassessment of Andalusi Textiles in Thirteenth-Century Castilian Life and Ritual (María Judith Feliciano); Eschatology or Biography? Alfonso X, Muhammad's Ladder and a Jewish Go-Between (Ana Echevarría).
  • Friend "of " Foe: The Divided Loyalty of Álvar Fáñez in the Poema de mio Cid (Gregory B. Kaplan)"Non Ha Mala Palabra Si Non Es A Mal Tenida:" The Perverted Proverb in the Libro de buen amor (Louise O. Vasvári); "Going Between: The Hadith Bayad wa Riyad and the Contested Identity of the 'Ajouz in 13th-Century Iberia" (Cynthia Robinson); How the Go-Between cut Her Nose: Two Ibero-Medieval Translations of a Kalilah wa Dimnah Story (L.