Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Acknowledgements; Introduction; 1 The Godly: Aspects of Popular Protestantism; 2 The Reformer and the Archbishop: Martin Bucer and an English Bucerian; 3 Letters of Thomas Wood, Puritan, 1566-1577; 4 If Constantine, then also Theodosius: St Ambrose and the Integrity of the Elizabethan Ecclesia Anglicana; 5 Sir Nicholas Bacon and the Elizabethan Via Media; 6 Episcopacy and Reform in England in the Later Sixteenth Century; 7 The Authorship of A Brieff Discours off the Troubles Begonne at Franckford
  • 8 Calvinism with an Anglican Face: The Stranger Churches of Early Elizabethan London and their Superintendent9 The Elizabethan Puritans and the Foreign Reformed Churches in London; 10 The Role of Women in the English Reformation Illustrated by the Life and Friendships of Anne Locke; 11 A Mirror of Elizabethan Puritanism:The Life and Letters of 'Godly Master Dering'; 12 The 'Nott Conformytye' of the Young John Whitgift; 13 John Field and Elizabethan Puritanism; 14 The Downfall of Archbishop Grindal and its Place in Elizabethan Political and Ecclesiastical History
  • 15 Cranbrook and the Fletchers: Popular and Unpopular Religion in the Kentish Weald16 The Beginnings of English Sabbatarianism; 17 Magistracy and Ministry: A Suffolk Miniature; 18 Lectures by Combination: Structures and Characteristics of Church Life in 17th-Century England; 19 'A Magazine of Religious Patterns': An Erasmian Topic Transposed in English Protestantism; 20 Towards a Broader Understanding of the Early Dissenting Tradition; Appendix; Index