Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Introducing the matrix and multiple layers of intersubjectivity and empathy. Prologue : from infant intersubjectivity and participant movements to simulation and conversation in cultural common sense / Stein Bråten and Colwyn Trevarthen
  • Applying developmental and neuroscience findings on other-centred participation to the process of change in psychotherapy / Daniel N. Stern
  • The 'Russian doll' model of empathy and imitation / Frans B.M. de Waal
  • Mirror neurons and origins of neurosocial support of (pre) verbal intersubjectivity and altercentricity. Mirror neurons and intersubjectivity / Pier Francesco Ferrari and Vittorio Gallese
  • Human mirroring systems : on assessing mind by reading brain and body during social interaction / Riitta Hari
  • Cues on the origin of language : from electrophysiological data on mirror neurons and motor representations / Luciano Fadiga and Laila Craighero
  • Altercentric infants and adults : on the origins and manifestations of participant perception of other's acts and utterances / Stein Bråten
  • From speech to genre : the KE family and the FOXP2 / Faraneh Vargha-Khadem and Frédérique Liégeois
  • From preverbal to verbal intersubjectivity in child development. Intersubjectivity before language : three windows on preverbal sharing / Andrew N. Meltzoff and Rechele Brooks
  • Early speech perception : developing a culturally specific way of listening through social interaction / Barbara T. Conboy and Patricia K. Kuhl
  • On theories of dialogue, self and society : redefining socialization and the acquisition of meaning in light of the intersubjective matrix / Ivar Frönes
  • The intersubjectivity of imagination : the special case of imaginary companions / Stathis Papastathopoulos and Giannis Kugiumutzakis
  • Applications and therapeutic implications. When empathic care is obstructed : excluding the child from the zone of intimacy / Karsten Hundeide
  • Family disseminate archives : intergenerational transmission and psychotherapy in light of Bråten's and Stern's theories / Andrea Cabassi
  • Reaching moments of shared experiences through musical improvisation : an aesthetic view on interplay between a musician and severely disabled or congenital deafblind children / Birgit Kirkebaek
  • To sing and dance together : from infants to Jazz / Ben Schögler and Colwyn Trevarthen
  • On circular re-enactment of care and abuse, and on other-centred moments in psychotherapy : closing comments / Stein Bråten.