Tabla de Contenidos:
  • ""Inland Navigation System Planning: The Upper Mississippi Riverâ€?Illinois Waterway""; ""Preface""; ""Acknowledgment of Reviewers""; ""Contents""; ""Executive Summary""; ""ECONOMICS""; ""Spatial Equilibrium Model and ESSENCE""; ""Managing Congestion""; ""INLAND WATERWAY AND WATER RESOURCES SYSTEM PLANNING""; ""Integrated Systems Planning""; ""Independent Review""; ""U.S. Federal Principles and Guidelines""; ""ENVIRONMENT""; ""Effects of the Navigation System on the Environment""; ""Adaptive Management""; ""Adaptive Mitigation Strategy""; ""ENGINEERING""; ""1 Introduction ""
  • ""UPPER MISSISSIPPI RIVER NAVIGATION""""NAVIGATION SYSTEM FEASIBILITY STUDY OF THE WATERWAY SYSTEM""; ""CHARGE TO THE COMMITTEE""; ""2 The Public Interest in the Upper Mississippi River ""; ""Allocating Use of a Waterway""; ""3 U.S. Federal and Corps of Engineers Water Resources Planning Guidelines ""; ""ESTABLISHING THE PRINCIPLES AND GUIDELINES""; ""The Federal Objective""; ""National Economic Development""; ""Water Resources Project Planning""; ""CRITIQUE""; ""Stating Environmental Quality Objectives""; ""Advanced Analytical Methods and Datasets""
  • ""Uncertainty in Formulation and Evaluation of Alternatives""""Revising the Principles and Guidelines""; ""4 The Navigation Feasibility Study ""; ""PROJECT SCOPING, ALTERNATIVES, AND INTEGRATION""; ""Plan Formulation""; ""Environmental Context of UMRâ€?IWW Planning""; ""ECONOMICS""; ""Traffic Demand Forecasts""; ""Steps in Traffic Forecasting""; ""Demand Models in the UMRâ€?IWW Feasibility Study""; ""Commodity Production and Uses""; ""Route Choice""; ""Mode Choice and Transportation Congestion""; ""Strengths of the Corps' Models""; ""Weaknesses of the Corps' Models""
  • ""Forecasts of Domestic and Foreign Commodity Production and Use""""Sensitivity of Waterway Tonnage to Barge Tariffs""; ""Alternative Demand Curve Specifications, Willingness to Pay Concepts, and Calculation of NED Benefits""; ""Modeling Lock Congestion""; ""Treatment of Uncertainty""; ""ENVIRONMENT""; ""Lock and Dam 26""; ""Environmental Data, Modeling, and Related Analyses""; ""Deficiencies of the Navigation Feasibility Study""; ""Lack of Systematic and Integrated Analyses""; ""ENGINEERING""; ""Lock and Dam Rehabilitation""; ""Construction Costs""; ""The Value of Independent Peer Review""
  • ""5 Improving Waterway System Planning """"CONTEMPORARY UNCERTAINTY ANALYSIS: THE STATE OF THE ART""; ""Analysis Under Uncertainty""; ""Sensitivity Analysis""; ""Monte Carlo Analysis""; ""Scenario Analysis""; ""Wait and See""; ""Finding Robust Strategies""; ""Comparing Approaches""; ""SHORT-TERM (NONSTRUCTURAL) MEASURES""; ""Congestion Problems on the Upper Mississippi""; ""Other Strategies for Alleviating Congestion""; ""LONGER-TERM MEASURES""; ""Traffic Demand Forecasts""; ""Forecasting World Import and U.S. Export Demands""; ""Forecasting Model Accuracy""; ""Dealing with Uncertainty""