Table of Contents:
  • Confession ; Martyr song / Weynken Claes
  • Trumpet song ; Testament to her son Isaiah (excerpts) ; Martyr song / Anna Jansz
  • Questionings by the commissioner and inquisitor (excerpts) ; Letters to friends (excerpts) ; Martyr song / Claesken Gaeledochter
  • Correspondence (excerpts) ; Martyr song / Lijsken Dircks and Jeronimus Segersz
  • Court sentence ; Martyr song / Elisabeth van Leeuwarden
  • Martyr song / Mary van Beckom and Ursel van Werdum
  • Martyr song ; Letter from Maeyken de Corte to a sister in the faith / Six women of Antwerp
  • "O God, thou art my helper good" / Martha Baerts
  • Testament to her children David, Betken, Tanneken (excerpts) / Soetken van den Houte
  • Letter to her parents ; Testament to her children (excerpts) ; Two notes, from and to her children ; Letter to friends ; Martyr song / Mayken Boosers
  • A reproduction of her letter ; Note from a niece or nephew ; Letter to her Son Adriaen ; Last farewell from Mattheus Wens to his wife Maeyken / Maeyken Wens.