Table des matières:
  • La Malinche and post-movement feminism / Amanda Nolacea Harris
  • Post scriptum and self-critique / José Emilio Pacheco
  • Doña Marina / José Emilio Pacheco
  • Malinchista, a myth revised / Alicia Gaspar de Alba
  • Malinche triangulated, historically speaking / Deena J. González
  • "Mother," Malinche, and allegories of gender, ethnicity and national identity in Mexico / Sandra Messinger Cypess
  • Foundational motherhood: Malinche/Guadalupe in contemporary Mexican and Chicana/Chicano culture / Rolando J. Romero / Malinche's revenge / Alicia Gaspar de Alba
  • Aesthetics of sex and race / Alfred Arteaga
  • Coagulated words: Gaspar de Alba's Malinche / Debra A. Castillo
  • Malinche, Calafia y Toypurina: of myths, monsters and embodied history / Antonia I. Castañeda
  • Agustín Víctor Casasola's Soldaderas: malinchismo and the Chicana/o artist / Guisela Latorre
  • In search of La Malinche: pictorial representations of a mytho-historical figure / María Herrera Sobek
  • The Malinche-Llorona dichotomy: the evolution of a myth / Luis Leal
  • La Malinche as a metaphor / Tere Romo
  • Malinche makeover: one gay Latino's perspective / Franco Mondini-Ruiz
  • Living in tongues / Amanda Nolacea Harris.