Sumario: | The Taming of the Shrew - Controlling the Morphology of Filamentous Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic Microorganisms Walisko, R., Moench-Tegeder, J., Blotenberg, J., Wucherpfennig, T., Krull, R. Fungal Morphology in Industrial Enzyme Production - Modelling and Monitoring Quintanilla, D., Hagemann, T., Hansen, K., Gernaey, K.V. Hydrodynamics, Fungal Physiology and Morphology Serrano-Carreón, L., Galindo, E., Rocha-Valadéz, J.A., Corkidi, G. Holguín-Salas A. The Cell Factory Aspergillus enters the big data era: Opportunities and Challenges for Optimizing Product Formation - Meyer, V., Fiedler, M., Nitsche, B., King, R. Bioprocess Engineering Aspects of the Cultivation of a Lovastatin-producer Aspergillus terreus Bizukojc, M, Ledakowicz, S. Modeling the Growth of Filamentous Fungi at the Particle Scale in Solid-state Fermentation Systems Sugai-Guério, Balmant, Furigo Jr., Krieger and Mitchell Better One-eyed than Blind - Challenges and Opportunities of biomass Measurement of Basidiomycetes in Solid-state Fermentation Steudler, S., Bley, T. Ramified Challenges: Monitoring and Modeling of Hairy Root Growth in Bioprocesses - A Review Lenk, F., Bley, T. Using Hairy Roots for Production of Valuable Plant Secondary Metabolites Tian, L. Rheology of Lignocellulose Suspensions and Impact of Hydroysis: A Review Nguyen, T.-C., Archard, D.-A., Fillaudeau, L.