Tabla de Contenidos:
  • PART I. Gender equity, the impact of gender equality on the development of Latin American territories Chapter 1. Educational materials in elementary education in México: A missed opportunity to promote gender equity; Jose Baltazar Garcia Horta and Maria Teresa Guerra Ramos Chapter 2. Roles and Stereotypes of Latin American Women in The Drug Trafficking Economy; Jaime Andrés Wilches Tinjacá and PART II. Gender policies and the teaching of gender equity in the context of the countries within the Latin American territories Chapter 3. Favoring cultural integration from an education that exceeds sexism. south-south dialogue: Cuba, Argentina, Peru in the post-pandemic context; Marybexy Calcerrada Gutiérrez, Rafael Lorenzo Martín, Nolbis Espinosa Cruz, Magdaloys Peña Gutiérrez, and Olga Adriana Domínguez Chapter 4. A spectre haunting academia: management and masculinities among chilean universities; Marcela Mandiola Cotroneo, Nicola Ríos González, and Aleosha Eridani Chapter 5. Case of policies for gender equality in Latin America Andean Community of Nations
  • CAN (Colombia, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador) ; Diana Mercedes Valdés Mosquera and July Alexandra Villalba Rodriguez PART III. Gender equity within Latin American organizations in the context of the SDGs (internship
  • productivity) Chapter 6. Alternatives for organizational change with a gender perspective; Alejandra Elizabeth Urbiola Solís Chapter 7. Towards an essenctial museum the fight of two women for holocaust education; Laura Velez PART IV. Final chapter: challenges, opportunities for academia, gender, SDG equity and organizations Chapter 8. Asynchronous dialogues between academy, gender, and economy; Mario Enrique Vargas Sáenz and Marisol Salamanca Olmos Chapter 9. Academy, Gender, SDG, Equity and Organizations; Gloria Nancy Rios and Laura Andrea Cristancho.