Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Brief Chronology of the Life of Hubert Harrison
  • 1. A Developing Worldview and Beginning Social Activism. 1. A Negro on Chicken Stealing. 2. Pledge to the Mother Race from an Untamed African. 3. Plan to Write a "History of the Negro in America" 4. Letter to Mrs. Frances Reynolds Keyser. 5. Plane's Place in the Deistical Movement. 6. The Negro a Conservative. 7. The Negro and the Newspapers
  • 2. Class Radicalism. 8. The Negro and Socialism: I
  • The Negro Problem Stated. 9. Race Prejudice
  • II. 10. The Duty of the Socialist Party. 11. How to Do It
  • And How Not. 12. The Black Man's Burden [I]. 13. The Black Man's Burden [II]. 14. Socialism and the Negro. 15. Southern Socialists and the Ku Klux Klan. 16. The Negro and the Labor Unions. 17. The Negro in Industry, review of The Great Steel Strike and Its Lessons / William Z. Foster
  • 3. Race Radicalism. 18. The Liberty League of Negro-Americans: How It Came to Be. 19. Resolutions [Passed at the Liberty League Meeting]. 20. Declaration of Principles [of the Liberty League]. 21. The Liberty League's Petition to the House of Representatives of the United States, July 4, 1917. 22. The East St. Louis Horror. 23. Houston vs. Waco. 24. As the Currents Flow. 25. Our Larger Duty. 26. The Need for It [and The Nature of It]. 27. Two Negro Radicalisms. 28. The Women of Our Race. 29. In the Melting Pot (re Herodotus). 30. Race First versus Class First. 31. Just Crabs. 32. Patronize Your Own. 33. An Open Letter to the Socialist Party of New York City. 34. Race Consciousness
  • 4. Education. 35. Negro Culture and the Negro College. 36. Education and the Race. 37. English as She Is Spoke. 38. Education out of School. 39. Read! Read! Read!
  • 5. Politics. 40. Lincoln and Liberty: Fact versus Fiction; Chapter Two. 41. Lincoln and Liberty: Fact versus Fiction; Chapter Three. 42. The Drift in Politics. 43. The New Policies for the New Negro. 44. The Coming Election. 45. Our Professional "Friends" 46. A Negro for President. 47. U-Need-a Biscuit. 48. The Grand Old Party. 49. When the Tail Wags the Dog. 50. Our Political Power. 51. The Black Tide Turns in Politics
  • 6. Leaders and Leadership. 52. Insistence upon Its Real Grievances the Only Courses for the Race. 53. The Liberty Congress. 54. The Descent of Dr. Du Bois. 55. When the Blind Lead. 56. To the Young Men of My Race. 57. Shillady Resigns. 58. A Tender Point. 59. Our White Friends. 60. Connections with the Garvey Movement. 61. On Garvey's Character and Abilities. 62. The UNIA Convention. 63. Convention Bill of Rights and Elections. 64. Marcus Garvey at the Bar of United States Justice. 65. The Negro-American Speaks
  • 7. Anti-imperialism and Internationalism. 66. The White War and the Colored World. 67. The White War and the Colored Races. 68. The Negro at the Peace Congress. 69. Africa at the Peace Table. 70. Britain in India. 71. When Might Makes Right. 72. The Line-Up on the Color Line. 73. On "Civilizing" Africa. 74. Imperialist America, review of The American Empire / Scott Nearing. 75. Wanted
  • A Colored International. 76. The Washington Conference. 77. Disarmament and the Darker Races. 78. Help Wanted for Hayti. 79. The Cracker in the Caribbean. 80. Hands across the Sea. 81. A St. Croix Creole, letter to the Evening Post. 82. The Virgin Islands: A Colonial Problem. 83. Prejudice Growing Less And Co-Operation More. 84. Hubert Harrison Answers Malliet
  • 8. Meditations. 85. Goodwill toward Men. 86. Meditation: "Heroes and Hero-Worship, and the Heroic in Human History" 87. The Meditations of Mustapha: A Soul in Search of Itself. 88. On Praise
  • 9. Lynching, the Klan, "Race Relations," and "Democracy" in America. 89. A Cure for the Ku-Klux. 90. Ku Klux Klan in the Past. 91. How to End Lynching. 92. The Negro and the Census. 93.y Bridging the Gulf of Color. 94. At the Back of the Black Man's Mind. 95. "Democracy" in America. 96. The Negro and the Nation
  • 10. Literary Criticism, Book Reviews, and Book Reviewing. 97. Views of Readers on Criticism: Mr. H. H. Harrison Reiterates His Theories. 98. On a Certain Condescension in White Publishers [Part I]. 99. On a Certain Condescension in White Publishers (Concluded) [Part II]. 100. Review of Terms of Peace and the Darker Races / A. Philip Randolph and Chandler Owen. 101. The Negro in History and Civilization, review of From Superman to Man / J. A. Rogers. 102. White People versus Negroes: Being the Story of a Great Book From Superman to Man / J. A. Rogers. 103. Review of The Rising Tide of Color Against White World-Supremacy / Lothrop Stoddard. 104. The Rising Tide of Color. 105. The Brown Ban Leads the Way, Part I, review of The New World of Islam / Lothrop Stoddard. 106. The Brown Man Leads the Way, review of The New World of Islam / Lothrop Stoddard. 107. Review of Darkwater / W. E. B. Du Bois. 108. Review of The Negro Year Book, 1918-1919 / Edited by Monroe N. Work. 109. The Superscientist, review of The Place of Science in Modern Civilization and Other Essays / Thorstein Veblen. 110. The Black Man's Burden, review of The Black Man's Burden / E. D. Morel. 111. The Caucasian Canker in South Africa, review of The Real South Africa / Ambrose Pratt. 112. M. Maran's Batouala. 113. The Southern Black
  • As Seen by the Eye of Fiction, review of Highly Colored / Octavus Roy Cohen. 114. The Real Negro Humor. 115. Negro Church History: A Book of It Badly Marred by Neglect of the Race Foundation, review of The History of the Negro Church / Carter G. Woodson. 116. Negro's Part in History, review of The Negro in Our History / Carter G. Woodson. 117. Homo Africanus Harlemi, review of Nigger Heaven / Carl Van Vechten. 118. Nigger Heaven
  • A Review of the Reviewers. 119. No Negro Literary Renaissance. 120. Cabaret School of Negro Literature and Art. 121. Harlem's Neglected Opportunities. 122. Review of The Story of Mankind / Hendrik Van Loon. 123. Satyricon of Petronius, letter to the New York Times. 124. On Reading Negro Books. 125. Hayti Finds a Friend: Black Hayti: A Biography of Africa's Eldest Daughter
  • 11. Theater Reviews. 126. Negro Society and the Negro Stage, Preamble. 127. Negro Society and the Negro Stage, Part 2. 128. Canary Cottage: A Dramatic Opinion. 129. The Emperor Jones. 130. The Negro Actor on Broadway: A Critical Interpretation by a Negro Critic
  • 12. Poets and Poetry. 131. The Black Man's Burden (A Reply to Rudyard Kipling). 132. Another Negro Poet. 133. Poetry of Claude McKay. 134. Black Bards of Yesterday and Today, review of The Book of American Negro Poetry / Edited by James Weldon Johnson
  • 13. The International Colored Unity League and the Way Forward. 135. Program and Principles of the International Colored Unity League. 136. The Right Way to Unity. 137. The Common People. 138. The Roots of Power.