Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Where the girls aren't : women as reluctant migrants but rational actors in early America / Trevor G. Burnard and Ann M. Little
  • "Your women are of no small consequence" : Native American women, gender, and early American history / Gail D. Macleitch
  • From daughters of liberty to women of the republic : American women in the era of the American Revolution / Susan Branson
  • Southern women of color and the American Revolution, 1775-1783 / Betty Wood
  • From dawn to dusk : women's work in the Antebellum Era / Inge Dornan and Jay Kleinberg
  • To bind up the nation's wounds : women and the American Civil War / Susan-Mary Grant
  • Turner's ghost : a personal retrospective on western women's history / Susan Armitage
  • Gender and U.S. imperialism in U.S. women's history / Laura Briggs
  • Chinese American women in U.S. history : explaining representations of exotic others, passive objects, and active subjects / Shirley Hune
  • Migrations and destinations : reflections on the histories of U.S. immigrant women in the United States / Donna Gabaccia and Vicki L. Ruiz
  • African American women and migration / Leslie Brown
  • Morena/o, blanca/o, y cafe con leche : racial constructions in Chicana/o historiography / Vicki L. Ruiz
  • The woman suffrage movement, 1848-1920 / Elizabeth J. Clapp
  • Engendering social welfare policy / Eileen Boris and Jay Kleinberg
  • Interrupting norms and constructing deviances : competing frameworks in the histories of sexualities in the United States / Leisa D. Meyer
  • Strong people and strong leaders : African American women and the modern Black freedom struggle / Mary Ellen Curtin
  • A new century of struggle : feminism and anti-feminism in the United States, 1920-present / Kristin Celello.