Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Prologue: Changed, Changed Utterly
  • America and the Irish Rising of 1916
  • America, the War Crisis, and the Irish Problem, 1916-1918
  • The 1919 Paris Peace Conference, the American Commission on Irish Independence, and Self-Determination for Ireland
  • Money: The Sinews of War, 1919-1921
  • Ireland in the Eye of Public Opinion: The American Commission on Conditions in Ireland, 1920-1921
  • American Aid for Ireland, 1920-1922
  • The Emergence of the Irish Free State and American Diplomatic Recognition, 1921-1927
  • President William T. Cosgrave Comes to the United States, 1928
  • Secretary of State Frank B. Kellogg Comes to Ireland, 1928
  • Epilogue: Ireland and America
  • Appendix 1: The Meeting of John Quinn's Delegation with A.J. Balfour on 4 May 1917
  • Appendix 2: Documents Submitted and Witnesses at the Senate Foreign Relations Committee Hearings on the Treaty of Peace with Germany
  • Appendix 3: American Commission on Conditions on Ireland: Hearings and Witnesses Before the Commission in Washington, DC
  • Appendix 4: Report on Secretary of State Frank B. Kellogg's Visit to Dublin in August 1928.