Tabla de Contenidos:
  • The persistence and significance of walls
  • The building and unbuilding of walls
  • The "Great Wall of China": an author's reflections after twenty years / Arthur Waldron
  • Tales of three city walls in China's Central Plain / Roger Des Forges
  • Chinese county walls between the central state and local society: evidence from Henan Province during the Ming Dynasty / Desmond Cheung
  • The ward walls and gates of Tang Chang'an as seen in "The tale of Li Wa" / Keyang Tang
  • A maze of jurisdictional walls: conflict and cooperation among the courts in Republican-era Shanghai / Tahirih V. Lee
  • Walls as multivalent icons in the early People's Republican political cartoons, 1946-1951 / Adam Cathcart
  • Pathogen traffic: walls and apertures / Richard V. Lee and Roger Des Forges
  • Realizing the Four Modernizations with a new "Long Wall": China's effort to use a "big fire wall" to control the Internet / Junhao Hong
  • Breaking down the wall between East and West in the "Daoist poetics" of Wai-lim Yip / Jonathan Stalling
  • Near far: the dispersion, relocation, and mobility of contemporary Chinese artists / Millie Chen
  • Confronting the walls: efforts at reconstructing world history in China at the turn of the Twenty-First Century / Luo Xu
  • Amid crumbling Chinese walls: the changing roles of family and women as revealed in Wang Chao's Anyang orphan / Xiaoping Lin
  • Writing on the wall: Brice Marden's Chinese work and modernism / Liu Chiao-mei.